Chapter 17

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Kaylia's POV

I woke up in Carter's room. I was slightly confused at first but all the events of before came back to me like a tonne of bricks. I looked down and I was in Carter's bed. I made a fast movement to get up but quickly regretted it when I got a slight migraine. I groaned loudly and held my head.

"Finally you're awake" a voice from the door said.
I looked up startled to see Carter with a satisfied expression.

"Where are they" I asked forgetting about my head and focusing on the topic at hand.

"Who are you talking about" he said acting dumb.

"The guys. Where are they " I asked firmly.

" I don't know why you care about them so much. They are strangers compared to how long you knew me for" he said bitterly.

"W-" I was about to ask the question again when he pinned me against the wall.

" THEY ARE IN JAIL. THEY TOOK YOU FROM ME SO THEY PAID THE PRICE" He shouted tightening his grip on me with each word.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" I shouted desperately trying to get out of his hold.

"Because they have been a pain in the ass since they got here. Those guys freaking kidnapped you so they deserve what there getting" he said with a smirk.

"No they don't they helped me" I said raising my voice a little.

"They helped you do what" he said tightening his grip on me again.

"They helped me get away from you " I said bitterly. Everything happened fast from then on. He threw me to the ground so hard I could hear my ribs breaking. I let out an ear splitting scream and covered my stomach.

" Don't you ever speak to me like that again. I know you don't mean that though those guys have put something in your brain. You still love me-"

"Loved" I said softly.

"What" he said monotonously.

"I loved you Carter. It means I don't love you anymore. You have turned my life into a living he'll. Did you really think I would still be able to even find a speck of love? Well, you thought wrong. The only good thing about moving here is meeting those guys. I hate you so much."
He picked me up and threw me to the ground again harder this time. I let out another scream and curled up into a ball. If that last one didn't break my ribs then this one did.

"If I can't have you then no one can" he said with another psychotic smile.

He started kicking me in my ribs so hard I was throwing up blood. If this is the end at least I had a good run.

"Goodbye world"

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