Chapter 28

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Kaylia's POV

Tears silently fell down my face and I felt pathetic. It seemed like I was crying a lot lately. Here I was curled up in a ball against my room door pathetically crying. My back pressed against the door as it seemed it was my only anchor in this moment.


He really hurt me when he said it though I knew it was true. It was my choice and every choice has consequences. I chose to stay with Carter and I got beaten like a freaking rag doll.

I hate that my tears were because of him. I willed myself to stop but my tears didn't obey.

I'm such an emotional wreck.

I wish so much that I had just stayed that night. That I didn't go with him but I did and I remember clearly the hurt on my parents' faces.

I thought he had ruined the chance of me ever finding the right one but it doesn't seem like I thought about my relationship with Billy.

I don't think I truly love him, like I said. I just liked the concept of moving on after him but I went about it the wrong way. I really like him but I don't love him. I said yes way too fast and it's only been a few months. I think that one day when I have healed, I'll return his feelings. I know that it will be a long process but I hope Billy will understand and help me along the way. I hope all of them will help me because I really need it.

My heart aches at the thought of ever losing him. I don't think I could ever survive without Billy or the guys.

Billy's POV

I was driving towards the house, the conversation I had ,thirty minutes ago, with Carter caused tension. As I guessed,he was at his house,the one where he beat her. My fists clenched the steering wheel tightly in anger.His words lingered in the mind.


"So you must be her new anchor, right" he smirked.

" Cut the crap" I growled.

"Why are you here? Oh wait, you want an explanation" his smirk widened a whole lot. I stayed silent, which made him start to laugh.

"I never loved Kaylia, you know. She was just this girl I met and dang she was beautiful" I clenched my hands at his words.

"That night she confessed to me saying she loved me, I lied to her when I said I returned her feelings. Then her parents found out and I convinced her to come with me. They were a problem anyways so I took a million dollars out my father's account. I had her all to myself. She was a fling, she meant nothing to me. I beat her because I was bored" he laughed humorously.

"She would always anger me. She was stupid and insecure and always tried to fix me" he shook his head.

"It's a shame though. Her parents were searching for her for two years. I made sure she changed her hair color. You should have seen their faces in the interviews. It always made me laugh" he snorted. I suddenly started chuckling and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"What the hell" he said as I reached into my pocket and took out my phone.

"That's not what you say when you've made a confession" I turned the phone screen towards him and then back to me pressing the button on the recorder. He turned ghostly pale and I got down to business.

"I want you to go to that judge and admit all of what you just told me" I demanded but he shook his head.

"And what if I don't" he challenged.

"It doesn't really matter to me, all I know is that you'll end up in jail either way" I exclaimed as I finally had the upper hand.

He looked scared and frightened but I didn't give a damn.

Shouldn't have messed with my girl.

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