Chapter 21

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After those words left my mom squealed so loud that Antarctica could hear her. She demanded that I take good care of Kaylia which I countered that she was still in a coma. It was the next day and I was seated beside her bedside. Right now I was very hungry but I didn't care. I was also slipping in and out of consciousness every five minutes. I was slowly falling asleep but I felt someone poking me but weakly. I opened my eyes to see Kaylia's beautiful eyes staring back at me. My eyes widened and launched myself onto the hospital bed.

"Are you alright" I asked my voice dripping concern.

"W-W-Water" she said her voice rough and hoarse.

"Doctor" I called. Immediately a doctor came into the room.

"She's awake and she needs water" I told him. He nodded and left the room.

"W-W-W-Where are the g-guys" she asked.

"Don't worry. They are coming this evening" I said and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"Here is the water" the doctor said giving it to me.
"Come on drink" I said softly and put it to her lips. The doctor left and so I assumed to go to other patients.

"How long has it been" she asked hugging me.
I hugged her back and answered,"Two weeks".
"Please tell me that he is in jail" she whimpered and tightened her grip.
"Don't worry he is. He won't hurt you anymore" I whispered and then we stayed like that for what felt like hours. My phone rang all of a sudden and we had to pull away. I looked at the name and saw 'MOM' pop up.

"Hello" I said politely.
"Billy the guys and I are coming down there" she said and hung up before I could say something else.

"Let me rephrase that they are coming now with my mom" her eyes lit up as I said that.

"I could hear everything while I was in the coma. I just couldn't open my eyes" she yawned.
The thought of her hearing the conversation with my mom made me blush.

"I like  you too" and then her breathing evened out telling me that she had gone to sleep.

I like you too.

That was on my mind even after she fell asleep. I laid her back down on the bed and covered her with the blankets. I got off the bed and sat in the chair letting out a sigh of relief. At least she's okay. Soon after the door flew open revealing my mom and the guys.

"The doctor called saying she is awake" Aiden said hopeful.

"Yeah she's just sleeping" I mumbled.
"So what did the doctor say" Mom asked.
"He didn't really tell me anything but she is fine" I said looking over at Kaylia's sleeping figure.

"Your Mom told us about yesterday" Spencer smirked.

"I always knew you would find true love" Simon said in a high pitched voice.

"He is finally growing up. He's gonna leave the nest" Aiden fake cried.

"Just shut up" I mumbled blushing furiously.


"What do we have here? Is Billy Willy blushing" Spencer joked.


"I said shut up" I mumbled again. Laughter filled the room and it almost seemed like everything was changing for the better.

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