Chapter 19

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Billy's POV

After Kaylia blacked out the doctors reassured me that she is still breathing. I rode with them to the hospital and they carried her to God knows where. I am currently waiting in the waiting room and it has been exactly two hours since the incident. How do I know? I have been checking my watch nonstop for two freaking hours. I can't even sit down. I've been pacing so much that my shoes might have holes. I have not gotten a message that she is ok. I promised her she would be and she has to be. For some reason I won't allow it. I can't go on living if she isn't. I don't know where that came from but it is 100 percent true. A door opened and I saw a doctor emerging from the room they brought her in. He walked over to me with sympathetic expression.

"Who are you to the patient" he asked.

"I am her boyfriend" I said anxiously waiting for him to tell me what is happening.

"Well I have good news and bad news. The good news is that we have finally gotten her stable. There were many broken ribs but we bandaged it so it will heal. The bad news is that she had hit her head badly and it is highly possible that she can slip into a coma. Right now only time can tell if that is gonna happen. If it doesn't happen and she awakes we still have to check on her. She lost a lot of blood but not that much that she will die" he said.

"So you're saying that she'll be fine" I asked hopefully.
"If everything goes as expected then yes" he said and walked back into the room. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Now I don't have to worry much now. I sat down on one of the chairs and took out my phone calling Spencer.

"BILLY IS SHE OKAY" Spencer asked no he screamed.

"Yes. She is stable but she has couple broken ribs. Tell everyone she's ok."
"Thank God" I heard Aiden about after a few moments. I chuckled because of how he said it. I hung up the phone and fixed myself in a comfortable position so I could sleep.
She is alright was my last thought before I was lost in a blissful sleep.

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