Chapter 5

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It seemed like hours of me on the basement floor. I was quietly sobbing when I heard the front door open. I quickly wiped my tears and slowly got up briskly walking up the stairs. Carter was sitting on the couch with a bottle of vodka in his hands. He turned to look at me with a expression that mirrored how drunk he was. I didn't say anything. I walked up the stairs and entered my room. I stripped from my clothes and entered the bathroom shower. A few minutes later,there was a knock at the door.

"Kaylia are you alright?"he asked.

 I stiffened but stayed silent. He knocked once more then it turned in to full on banging. I slowly walked out of the shower,grabbing a towel I wrapped it around my body. I opened the door,ignoring Carter's confused expression,and headed for my under garments.

"Babe are you okay?Is something wrong?"

Of course something is wrong I thought. I wanted to voice my thoughts but the silent treatment is good for now.


 I visibly flinched but I still didn't say anything. While he was ranting I managed to put on a over sized shirt. My back was still turned to him so he grabbed me and turned me around. He held my wrists so tight my bones were rubbing against each other. I looked in his hard eyes to see them staring back at me. We held a stare off for a few seconds then his gaze softened.

"Are you okay?"

 I almost gave in and then I remembered what he did. As soon as I thought about it my hand moved on its own accord and slapped him his head whipping to the side. I will regret  that later but right now I feel great.

"You cheating bastard.Why would you do this to me? I left my whole life to be with you and what do I get from you. I find out that your cheating with some girl. Carter you don't trust me and I have never been unfaithful. I trust you but you broke my trust for you. It is gonna take a lot of time for it to build up again."

 I didn't notice that I was crying until I tasted my salty tears.

"I am sorry."

 It was like I was waiting for those words. Instead of it making me smile I laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world.

" Sorry can't help you this time" I snapped.

  I left him there bewildered. I snuggled into the bed and was out like a light.

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