Chapter 24

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I had gotten out of the hospital about a week ago and I had decided to do online school to graduate since I missed alot of classes. Even though I was out of the hospital I have been bedridden since I got to their house. If I were to even stand the boys would push me back into my room. It has become very annoying and irritating.

Sadly, Billy's mom,Angela, left to find my parents. I know I really want to see them again but I could really use her to knock some sense into these boys. I broke some ribs, I didn't become disabled.

The only thing good about this is Noah has to be nice to me. Trust me, I have been using that fact to my advantage. He probably wants to kill me because of how many times I called him. Shouldn't have angered me then, but technically I angered him.

Anyways, right about now I am on the laptop they gave me to complete my courses. Of course, I am still in bed. My stomach grumbled furiously since I haven't ate since breakfast.

"Shit" I cursed myself.

I quickly got up to feed myself. My legs took a short time adjusting but I eventually started walking towards the door. I am dying for some macaroni and cheese.

"Hello" I whispered thinking that maybe one of the boys were nearby but no one answered.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. It was huge. My mouth watered at the amount of food in the transparent cabinets and I suddenly lost the desire for Mac and cheese. I wanted everything visible in those cabinets.

Then my eye caught a bottle jar of peanut butter. The only problem was it was in a cabinet I couldn't reach. Curse my height but I was dead set on retrieving the package. So I climbed on the counter, balanced on my knees, and stretched for the handle.

"KAYLIA" a familiar voice shouted.

I jumped in fright and started falling backwards. I screwed my eyes shut but let out a sigh of relief when I was caught bridal style.

I opened my eyes to see Billy's worried glance. It soon intensified when he realized I left the bed.

"Why did you leave the bed" he asked irritated. Before I could answer he turned to the entrance of the kitchen and started walking out.

"NO, MY PEANUT BUTTER" I shouted and struggled against his muscular arms. He stared at me shocked and then started chuckling. It soon turned into laughing and I was angry that he was laughing while I was hungry.
"Y-You came down here because you wanted peanut butter" he chuckled.

"Stop laughing at me" I pouted.

"Why didn't you just call me" he asked softly.

"I did. I whispered, hello" I whispered the end like before.

"Ok, let me get your peanut butter" he smirked. He sat me on the counter and took it out.

"Thank you" I said and grabbed it from his hands. I hungrily ate but then realized he was still there.

"Do you want some" I asked.

"No thanks, I am allergic to peanut" he responded. I gaped at him, wondering how he could survive without it.

"Close your mouth you might catch flies" he smiled cheekily which showed his cute dimples.

"OMG you have dimples" I said forgetting about the peanut butter situation.

"Really, Cupcake. You are just finding this out" he whispered amused.

I realized he was now between my legs and my cheeks burned at the close proximity. His eyes diverted to my lips and back to mine. He was silently asking if it was okay. I nodded happy that he would do that.

Billy's lips came into contact with mine and it felt like fireworks were going off between us. The kiss was slow at first but eventually got heated. Our lips moved in sync and it made a rhythm only we could understand.

Billy suddenly broke apart and I whimpered at the loss of contact.
"Awww" multiple voices said.

"What do you guys want" Billy growled.

I hid my flushed face into Billy's broad chest as he planted me on the ground beside him.

"Relax, Detective Watson is at the door" Spencer sounded.

My ears perked up in interest but the next words chilled me to the bone.

"He has news about Carter"

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