Chapter 12

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As I opened the door my face visibly paled. There was about four or five policemen standing there. They were staring at me like they knew something that happened. Oh My God!

"Hello Mr.Carter we received a call from your neighbor saying you are in a predicament."

"Ummm...... "

" He said that you cannot find someone."

An idea came up in my head. I can get back at those guys and get Kaylia back.

"Yes uh I left my girlfriend here this morning and she hasn't been seen since. My neighbor said that four guys came and kidnapped her. I have tried calling her but she won't answer. Her phone is nowhere to be seen."

" Do you think you are familiar with these guys?"
"Well, she did tell me these new
guys were harassing her at school. At one point they were surrounding her if I never came...." I trailed off.

"How old is your girl friend?"

"She is 18 and I am 20."

"Okay just give us her information and we will look into it."
I gave them all of her info and showed them to their car. After I closed the door I smirked. They won't know what hit them.

Kaylia's POV

I woke up to four blurry faces standing over me. Once I could finally see I screamed at how close they were to me. They all groaned and stepped back covering their ears.

"What the hell Kaylia " Billy exclaimed.

" Sorry" I whispered.

"We just wanted to wake you up because Noah made breakfast."
Now it was my turn to groan. The boys snickered in front of me.

"Are you sure he didn't poison my plate because of what I almost said yesterday? "

Laughter filled the room and I looked down embarrassed of what I said. There it is again I am telling the truth and they are laughing. I am starting to think that what they told me is a lie. Like seriously who does that?

" You know we don't blame you. Noah can get boring at times but I am sure he wouldn't kill you for what you said" Spencer said chuckling.
"I am not leaving from this bed ever" I exclaimed and dug deeper into the bed linen.
A few moments later I was being lifted onto a shoulder and being carried out of the room. The last thing I saw was Aiden, Simon and Spencer with amused faces. I grumbled and started hitting Billy's back. I shouted,"PUT ME DOWN. DON'T YOU SEE HE HAS A PROBLEM WITH ME. IF YOU WANT ME TO EAT HIS FOOD I WANT A GOLDEN RETREIEVER-" I rambled on listing puppies that are adorable. Billy was chuckling while he carried me down the stairs. I am sooooooo getting him back for this.

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