Chapter 3

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The next morning Carter was gone as usual. My back is paining me and also my cheeks.I forced my self off the bed and entered the bathroom looking in the mirror. I wish I didn't my eyes were puffy and red,my skin was paler than normal and my hair was no longer bouncy and full of life. I lifted my shirt and turned around looking at my back. It was black as tar and I may not be a doctor but that doesn't seem right. I took a quick shower and threw on a maroon Long sleeved dress that was above my knees and wore red sandals.

 The walk to school I kept thinking about the boys. Even though Carter said stay away from them for some reason I feel like doing the opposite. I've only known them for a day and they already have me defending them. I was at school by the first bell. It was time for English and as I entered everyone's eyes were on me and I kept my gaze on the floor. Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see Ms.Asher staring at me.I looked up and sped my way to my seat. A few minutes later,the boys entered and sat beside me.They bombarded me with questions 'why did you leave so soon' and 'who were you driving with'. Of course Aiden had to throw in a joke but I simply answered with 

"Guys I am fine. I am sorry I left early though."

 These boys are gonna be the death of me. A few classes later it was lunch. My back was paining me more than comfortable. Well at least to me. As I was walking,the boys came up behind me and slapped me on the back. I winced in pain and ran to the bathroom.

 I looked in the mirror,turned around and lifted my shirt exposing the bruise. The door opened and the boys were visible. Before I could drop my shirt they all gasped running to my side inspecting the bruise. Now I had to come up with a lie and fast.

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