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*I'm back people. I realized I left too much of a cliffhanger and I lost the momentum to do a sequel. So I shall write more. I don't know when I can update, but I'm going to try once a week. But maybe not this week because of the lovely exams that everyone loves, am I right? Anyway, here it is.

I just realized how messed up it got at the ending. Go twelve year old morbid me.*

Remus' POV

"You're kidding, right?" I ask, my eyes growing wide.

"Of course not. She's dead. Why would I joke about something like that?" She gives me a weird look, something she used to do, and for some reason it felt normal.

"Well, what are you planning on doing? I mean, now that she's possessed, and you kinda have us here, what are you going to do?" Sirius gulps behind us.

"I honestly haven't thought of that. I was sure one of you were going to figure it out and demand that I leave her alone and you all would live happily ever after with your dear little Emalia. I mean, who names their kid Emalia though? It's like asking to get beat up. Ridiculous, I tell you." She is talking more to herself than either of us.

"Well, why don't you do that?"

"Because then I'd just be energy again. I need a physical form to do what I have to do. I brought you all here to kill you. I mean, I left your little friends out in the middle of the forest, so they should be dead soon. But you two, you should be a lot easier. You aren't that smart, and you will do anything this pretty face tells you to." She smiles.

I stare at her, speechless. "Em-" I stop, knowing it's not her in there. "What's your name?"

"I go by many names." I notice a slight twinge of fear in her eyes. 

"What can I call you?"

"Are you trying to make friends with the thing that is possessing your girlfriend? Moony, not cool!" Sirius Protests, but I shush him. 

"My name is- was Al-  Abbey." 

"And what was your plan here? What were you trying to do?"

"I wanted a body. So, I found a guy who hated his daughter and took over hers. Money can buy you happiness, you know." 

"So, you're telling me that Emalia is still in there?" Sirius demands. 

"Yes." She lowers her head and her hair falls over her face. "I can show you where your friends are." 

"Then you are going to let her go. We can help you find a dead body to take over. That way, you won't be hurting anyone."

"But, I like this body. She stopped yelling. Mostly." 

"Abbey." Remus says, sternly. 

"Fine." She spreads out her arms and opens her mouth wide. A small glowing orb shoots out of her mouth and she collapses on the ground. Soon the orb touches the ground, taking form of a beautiful, yet eerie girl around their age. She has long white hair and grey eyes. Though that is probably only because she was a ghost. She puts her hand on her hips and sighs. 

"There. Where's that body you said we'd get."

"Where are our friends first?" 

"Just give me a minute. Jumping in and out of bodies isn't as east as you would think. Sometimes memories get lost."

"Padfoot! Moony!" James voice rings out in the empty night. "Watch out, Emalia is- passed out. What exactly happened here?" 

"Well, you are cute. I didn't get a good look when I was in her, but wow." Abbey grins and winks at James.

"Why is a ghost trying to flirt with me?"

"No use, Abbey. He likes Lily."

"The cute ones are always taken. Next you're going to tell me the long-haired one has a girlfriend too."

"I have never been more confused." James' eyes go wide. 

"Its okat Prongs. I hardly understand either. From what I got, her dad sold her to be a ghost's host body thing, then she decided to kill us all. Now we made her unpossessed but she hasn't regained conciousness and we are great friends for not even checking on her." Sirius interjects. 

"Basically." Abbey agrees. 

They all snap to their senses and bend down to check on the girl. 

"Should we bring her to the nurse?" Peter squeaks. 

"That sadistic woman? Never." Remus shakes his head. 

"The Headmaster?"

"What could he do? She's only just passed out." James says. 

"So are we just going to carry her up to the dorm?" Remus asks. 

"But she's heavy." Sirius complains. 

"Out of the way, idiots." Abbey walks through them, and they shiver. 

"What'd you do that for?" Peter growls, stepping away from her. 

"I know what to do." 

"No. You aren't doing anything to her." Remus states. 

The tall girl looks down at him, hovering about a foot off the ground. "Have fun dragging her up the hill then. Listen I'm sorry I tried to kill you guys. And that I possessed her. And, you know, everything else. But, I can help you bring her to the castle. It's still the same layout, right?"

"Yes." James says before Remus can protest.

"Meet you in the common room. Bye." She grabs the limp girls hand and they disappear. 

They all look at each other, exhausted, before they slowly but surely make their way up the hill.  


*And that is how you introduce a new character. Have fun my darlings, and enjoy. Please comment what you think. And vote, if you want. It feels so weird doing this again.*

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