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Remus’ POV

I hate to see tears on her beautiful face. I heard that jerk prefect call her a “Mudblood” and almost punched him. As we walk up the steps I was tempted to tell her about my being a werewolf, but thought better of it, I didn’t want her to think badly of me so soon.

She’s the first of our compartment to be called up for the Sorting.

‘I can see you have a personality to match your hair. You could do well in Slytherin.  But I already know you’re heart lies with someone who will be in Gryffindor.’ It pauses. ‘GRYFFINDOR!’

Her face erupts with joy as she scurries towards the table, yipping with excitement. I laugh, hoping I have the chance to get to know her better. Sirius is called up next, then James, then Lily, then Peter. They are all placed in Gryffindor. Severus is up now. He’s placed in Slytherin. I see him cast a sad glance a Lily, before sitting down.

‘Lupin, Remus!’ McGonagall announces.

I gulp and walk up. ‘Ah, here he is. The Whomping Willow boy, I know exactly what to do with you.’ I let out a whimper. ‘Put you with your friends.’ I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.


They all shake my hand and pat my back. Emalia shifts over and I sit next to her grinning.

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