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*Sorry for not updating this week really. New semester with new people, and a really cute boy and very few friends in my classes, it's been hectic. But it's the weekend so I have nothing to do. Here you go.*

Abby's POV

Personally, I can't believe that she doesn't remember a thing. I mean her dad is dead now, along with the rest of her family. And it was her hands that did it. I mean I knew he hated her, but not how much. The things he did to her, I just snapped. Then he did. I laugh to myself.

I guess I have a morbid sense of humor. But that comes with being dead for thirty years and having it to begin with as well.

I just found out that my neighbor, a cutie if I do say so myself, his son is at this school. I need to meet him, and to do that I need a body because not everyone can see me. I have trouble staying visible to just these five. The tall one is fawning over Emalia, and the two with messy black hair, one with glasses, one without, were in the corner, discussing something. The shortest, plump one was sitting at a table a little of from the rest. I walk- er, float over.

'Excuse me?' I ask him.

He looks up at me with big eyes. I can tell this one is easily controlled, naïve and loyal. I can work with that. 

'I am so sorry but I forget your name. Do you mind?' I say, batting my eyes.

'I-I'm Peter. Peter Pettigrew.'

I scan my mind for anything she might have left about Peter. Zip. 'So you're Peter!  You're taller than she described.'

He sits up a little taller. 'Really?'

'Oh definitely. Taller and handsomer.' I smile down at him.

He smiles sheepishly. I knew I could manipulate him easily. He was putty in my hand. 'I was just wondering, could you show me where the Great Hall is, I'd get lost all by myself.'

He jumps up. He tries to grab my hand but he hand slids right through. I sigh. That's something I still haven't gotten used to.

Either way, he motions for me to follow him and he waves to everyone else. The two boys in the corner look at me suspiciously. What do they know? I mean, it's not like I'm going to possess him or anything! When have I ever- oh. Now I kinda see why they don't exactly trust me.  But don't judge a book by its attempted murder....


'Do you want to see the lirbrary after this? I have a way to get into the forbidden section without anyone knowing.'

'Not now Peter.' I sigh, tired of his mindless jabbering.

I scan the room. If it is anything like when I went to school, this is where they would all hang out. But I can't recognize any of the people there.

'Peter, I'm looking for the son of a boy I used to go to school with. do you know anyone with the last name, Longbottom?'


*There we go. Kinda sorta a cliffhanger. I thought of this really epic thing to do with Abbey but I have to kinda change something from a bit ago to make it work so...  I'm still going to do it. Read back if you have to, I think that it's going to be awesome. And I really hope I don't sound conceited. Bye!*

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