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Emalia’s POV

Someone is holding my hand. This bed is different. There are 3 people talking around me.

‘Then a Dungbomb blew up in Filch’s face.’

‘And he slipped on the failed attempt from earlier.’

‘Of course. Aren’t Dungbombs getting a little old?’

‘Anyway, we ran and hid in a broom closet on the seventh floor.’

‘There is no broom closet on the seventh floor.’ I inform. They both look at Remus. ‘You probably found the Room of Requirement.’ Finally they realize who is speaking.

‘Foxy! You’re awake!’

‘No offense but why do I have a feeling you just came to… the Hospital Wing? Why am I in the Hospital Wing?’

‘You had a seizure-like thing.’

‘Really? I just felt like I was asleep. How long ago?’

‘3 hours.’

‘I bounce back quickly, don’t I?’ I give them my 100watt smile.

‘Yes, you do.’ I finally notice Lily sitting across from Remus.

‘Lily!’ I exclaim, sitting up to give her a hug. Then I see the other boys pouting.

‘eh, you guys don’t get hugs.’

‘Hey! You give the best hugs!’ Sirius exclaims.

‘I know.’ I laugh, give him a hug too. Then James. Peter doesn’t seem to want one.

‘Wait! It’s time for class! I have Charms first today! And if I miss DADA I might cry!’ I panic, making everyone laugh.

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