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*I just realized I made the main character an orphan. Abbey killed her dad, and her mom and unborn sister are dead. I'm considering just making a long lost uncle just so she has someone. It would suck not to have any family.... And I just made myself all sad now. Oh.*

Emalia's POV

The boys have been acting a bit odd. Remus is always checking on me and James and Sirius are keeping their distance. Peter is about the same though, thank goodness. The new girl- er, ghost, Abbey, is being very friendly to me even though Remus shoos her off whenever he sees her talking to me. As I said, really odd.

Anyway, the headmaster told me that he found a distant relative that lives in London that has decided to take me in. He said they have a daughter my age and everything! I am finally going to have a proper family again.

'What are you all smiley about?' Remus comes up behind me, putting his arm around my shoulder.

We all just finished our OWLs and are on our way outside. They were laughing about one of the questions talking about werewolves.

'I get to stay in England this summer. Maybe even forever. The Headmaster just told me that I have third cousin twice removed or something like that, and they have agreed to take me in.'

'Where do they live?'

'London. And they have a daughter in Gryffindor too!'

'Who are you guys talking about?' Lily joins us on our walk, seperated from the other two.

'Some girl named Mary MacDonald.'

'Mary? She in like three of my classes. She's nice. Anyway, Remus, I am afriad I have to steal your girlfriend for my own devious purposes.' She wiggles her way in between us, pulling me along before I have a chance to protest.

'How have you been? I feel like we haven't talked in forver. Have you been avoiding me?' She grins.

'Not to my knowledge. I've just been busy.'

'Well, come on, let's go to the edge of the lake and talk.'

'Harold right?'

'I think so.' She shrugs.

So we walk and she tells me about her classes. Then we get to the juicy stuff. What Severus is up to nowadays.

'He is hanging out with Avery and Mucibler. Just the other day Mucibler tried to use Dark Magic on Mary, your new cousin.'

'Why though?'

'Muggle-Born, the lot of us. They all seem to hate us.'

'Probably because they are jealous that even with all their purity, we can still do better magic than they can.'

She laughs. 'That must be it. But anyway, I am getting really nervous about Sev. What do you think I should do?'

'Don't ask me that. Between the name-calling and the hexing, I am in no way able to think of what I would do if I were his friend.'

She nods. Then her head names up at the hill where a mass of students are gathering.

'What's going on?' We hear laughter.

Then I see James and Sirius. I gasp. They can't be.


We blast up the hill and burst through the growing crowd.

'Leave him ALONE.'

James' free hand reachs up and ruffles his hair, an annoying habit he had developed. Sirius catches my eye and despite the most likely horrified look on my face, winks and grins.

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