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Emalia’s POV

‘This year, we will be having a Christmas Ball!’ Dumbledore announces. ‘You will all have dancing lessons, as well as etiquette lessons.’ Its only Halloween but everyone is still buzzing with excitement.

My friends, Peter, James and Sirius groan, but I clap my hands in excitement. ‘Guys, that is exciting news! There has never been a Christmas Ball before!’ I squeal.

‘But it’s so much work!’ James groans

‘You might be able to dance with Lily, maybe even do with her.’

‘But it will be worth it!’ James perks up.

‘Padfoot, you might be able to go with Mary.’ He perks up too. ‘Wormtail, you might be able to go with the girl you like.’

‘You really think Reilly might go with me?!’ Peter’s eyes are wide with excitement.

‘She would be lucky to have a guy as nice as you!’

‘What about Moony?’

‘I have nothing to say to him.’ I huff.

‘What happened?’

‘None of your business!’ I snap.

‘Wow! I didn’t know foxes bite!’

I bare my teeth and growl. ‘I might just bite you!’

Everyone laughs. ‘Cause you love me!’

‘Yes I love so much, Prongs!’

‘I knew it!’ Sirius exclaims.

‘I love you too, Padfoot!’

Wormtail’s small watery eyes glance up at me. ‘And you too, Wormy!’

‘Cheater!’ James exclaims, grabbing my shoulder, pulling closer to him.

I fall out of the seat, laughing. It draws attention from all the tables. One boy from the Hufflepuff table offers his hand to help me up I take and blush, he’s pretty cute. ‘Who are you?’

‘I’m Frank Longbottom.’

‘Emalia Richards. I’ve—‘

‘She’s mine.’ James grabs my hand and pulls me back into the seat.

‘That wasn’t very nice, and we all know you fancy Lily!’

‘He was looking at you funny.’ James grumbles.

‘Maybe it was because you pretty much pushed me out of my seat!’

‘Oh, well I guess.’ He sighs. ‘But I still don’t like it.’

‘The great thing is you don’t have to!’ I yip at him.

please coment and vote if you tthink its good, no hate though

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