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Sirius's POV

We run towards the Lake searching for a trace of the boys or Emalia.

I stop to take a breath when a body fiercely tramples over mine.

'Remus! Sirius! Prongs and Wormtail ran off towards the forest so I ran after them but I couldn't catch them and I'm kinda afraid of the forest so I came looking for you guys and I guess I ran over Sirius.'

'Its okay. We can all go look for them.' Remus reassures her.

'Well I'd I remember correctly, there's a path and it leads towards the other side of the Lake! We should check there. I mean they knew that's where we were going so-'

'Lets look there!' I cut her off, tired of her blubbering.

'What were you going to tell us?' Remus asks, sprinting to keep up with her inhuman pace.

She smiles, like a tiger before wounded prey. Her footsteps glide, almost not touching the ground with the grace of a ballerina.

'Her father hated her. When someone came by to,' she grins, 'take her off his hands, of course he accepted.'

'What are you talking about?'

'She died soon after.' Foxy continues. 'and someone else took over her body.'

'What you mean?' Remus asks.

'Pity. She said you were the smart one.'

Foxy the MauraderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon