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Lily’s POV

Five minutes after she goes upstairs we hear screaming. Fearing the worst, I run up the stairs with the boys at my heels. I swing open the door and see Emalia on the bed, apparently having a nightmare. We try to wake her up, but then she starts convulsing. I scream for help, waking Mary up.

‘Go get McGonagall, or Dumbledore, or Nurse Pomfrey! Anyone!’ Remus instructs, she looks to me and I give her a curt nod. ‘Guys, grab her arms and hold them. Then the legs. Don’t hurt her but be firm.’

 I sigh, tears running down my cheek and watch them. Her mouth starts bubbling, a little red so it looks like blood.

‘Blimey! What is that?’ Sirius exclaims, seemingly disgusted.

I was about to go give him a piece of my mind but James beat me to it. ‘She is our friend, who cares what she looks like at the moment. She could be dating Snivellus, and she would still be our friend!’ He gives him a good thump on the head too.

Nurse Pomfrey runs into the room, holding a rock or something. They all stand back as she takes her to the Hospital Wing.  I burst into sobs, hands in front of my face. Someone puts his arm around my shoulder, a kind soothing notion; I expect it to be Remus. I turn towards the kind boy and throw my arm around him, burying my face in his shirt. I walks me over to my bed, forcing me to go to bed, even though I know it’s the best thing to do, I want to go running after her. I look up at him.


‘Yes, Lily?’

‘So it’s not Evans anymore?’

‘I think we can. You know, not fight for one night.’ He sighs, face sullen. I have never seen him sad before, even when he’s in detention he’s laughing.

I lay down throwing the covers over my head. ‘Why are you guys still in the girls’ dorm?’

I hear them all realize that if they get caught there in the morning, they will be in deep trouble. I listen to them all scamper towards the door. ‘Goodnight, Lily.’

‘Goodnight, James.’

I like the way my name sounds when he says it. ‘Wait! What am I thinking?’

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