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Okay, I really wanted to start this again so I'm ongoing what I said last time!


Remus's POV

'I know I will love death. Why? Because Death reminds of the existence of my sister.' Foxy recites, and the room tenses, obviously all minds are returning to her voice on the tape recorder that faithful night. 'I love that poem.' She smiles wistfully and carefree.

I sit next to her, slowly pulling the book out of her hands. 'Why don't we all go outside?'

'Sure! Can we hang out by the Black Lake?'

'Why?' James snaps, coming out of the trance of watching his wand make sparks.

'I've noticed we haven't hung out there in a while! Do you need an explanation for everything? Are you that thick?' Her voice changes as if it belonged to someone else.

'No.' He slumps down on the couch, obviously stung by her words.

Her hand flies to her mouth, and her face turns white. 'Oh, James! I am so sorry! My mouth has been talking before my mind has been thinking and say things I don't mean and feel so bad and I wish I could take that back because even though you may not get the best marks, you are really smart and I am such a horrible person! Sorry!-'

'It's okay, Foxy. School's stressing us all out.'

'Its not school, it's....' She stops herself, leaving us all eager to hear more. 'Why don't I tell you at the Black Lake?' She attempts, slipping out of the room.

'Foxy!' We grumble, running out after her.

Sirius stops me before we leave. 'Did the tape say I date?'

'No. Why?' I back out of the room, having him follow closely at my toes.

'I have a bad feeling about tonight. About the Lake. She's been acting weird since her mother died and even weirder since she got back from America. Sometimes it's like she's being possessed.'

'Don't be ridicules!' Though in my heart and in my mind, I know that's more than likely the truth.

Foxy the MauraderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora