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Foxy's POV

My head pounds. It feels like my eyelids are glued shut. I've been trapped in my own mind for so long, I don't know where to start. I move my hands, making sure they still work. Then my feet, except someone takes notice. 

'Em?' A quiet, almost non-existant voice penertrates my thought. 

I try to answer. I want to, wih all my heart. I recognize the voice. It's Remus.

'Is she awake?' This is James. 

'No, not yet, but she's moving.'

'Another half hour and we are taking her to the nurse. And that's final.' Sirius states, sounding nervous.

I wonder how long I've been asleep. Hours? Minutes? I gulp, trying to force my eyes open. They open a crack but soon shut from pure exhaustion. Maybe if I sleep just a moment longer...

'You guys are boring. I want to see her when she's awake.' The voice is unrecognizable, but catches my attention.

'You won't be here. You've caused her enough grief.' Remus snaps. 

I ignore my desire for sleep and force my eyes wide open. I sit up, despite how much it hurts. I see Remus and James and Sirius and Peter standing with a tall and willowy girl in a 50s style dress. Her hair is long and straight, a translucent white colour. Her eyes are cold and empty. 

'Who is that?' I ask, my voice hoarse. I flick my eyes over at Remus.

'The girl who possessed you?' He says uncertainly.

I purse my lips. 'Because that makes total sense.' I mumble.

'You mean you don't remember the past half a year?' The girl asks hopefully.

'Bits and pieces. But I was told that skme of the side effects of the obliviation spell could be blackouts. They weren't kidding.'

'Told you I didn't do much damage!' The girl grins.

'Can someone explain what exactly is going on?' I ask, swinging my legs off the couch.

They all exchange strange looks, as if they were all hiding something.

'We met a ghost. She decided to try and make you levitate, but it didn't work. You fell and hit your head.'

'What's your name again?'

'Abbey. I'm looking for a body to possess.'

'Well, that's an interesting introduction.' I chuckle nervously.

'Well it's your boyfriend that said you would all help me find one. I must say, he is the sweetest little thing.' She walks over to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. Oddly enough, she doesn't fall through me. It doesn't feel like a hand, just a cold presence.

I shrink away then stand up. 'Do you have the time?'

'It is five thirty.' Sirius states.

'In the morning? No wonder I was bloody sleeping.'


So I just finished my fourth exam and I can't really prepare for my other, so here you go.

And I mean, come on people. So many people were reading this before. Where are all you people? Don't you guys want more of this? If not, I can just kinda leave it off here and forget about it. 

Anyway, please comment, and vote, and whatever else this site allows you to do.

*Funny this that happened while I was revising. I was convinced that Abbey was a character that was impossible. I thought that the Marauders went to Hogwarts in the 40s. I had to check the wiki page to make sure that I didn't have to change the character. Then I read that they went during the 70s and realized how well that fit with the rest of the books. My mind is so weird sometimes.

K, ya, bye.*

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