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Remus POV

I growl under my breath during her exchange with the boys. James finally notices when she’s talking to Frank. I must thank him later for his quick-thinking, because if that had gone on for five more seconds, I would have ripped him to shreds.

‘Foxy? Can we talk? I didn’t mean it! I just was scared for... my Mom.’ I struggle to remember my excuse, when we enter the empty common room.

‘I just wanted to make sure you got there safely. Its okay if you don’t like me, we can put up with each other in front of our friends, so they won’t have to choose sides, but you don’t have to talk to me otherwise. Unless it’s something important that involves them. Goodbye Moony.’ She goes up the girl’s side of the stairs and into her room.

‘But I want to spend time with you and talk to you for other things.’ I whine. Unaware my other friends just entered the room.

‘Moony and Foxy sitting a tree! K I S S I N G!’ James and Sirius start yelling.

Foxy sticks her head out the door, ‘Number One: Wow, real mature! Number Two: Ya right! You wish.’

‘Uh oh! Poor Moony!’ Peter squeaks.

She rolls her perfect sea foam green eyes and goes back in her room. ‘Great now she hates me! Thanks a lot guys!’ I glare at them and hike up to our room.

They follow, James telling me, ‘No actually, we made her think of you that way, as a boyfriend. There is a method to my madness.’

‘Ya, well she already hated me. I just didn’t want her to get hurt!’


‘She tried to follow me to the Wi—train station. I just didn’t want her going back alone where she could have gotten hurt. I told her to go back to the castle, then to just go away. I guess she took it as “ugh why is this idiotic girl following me?” or something like that.’ I hope they don’t realize my slip of tongue.

‘Well, I probably would have thought of it that way too.’

‘Not helping.’ I growl.

Foxy the MauraderWhere stories live. Discover now