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Emalia’s POV

Feeling dizzy, either from the spinning and dancing with boys or the devilish addicting punch. I walk out to the fountain, taking off my shoes and swishing my feet in the water, dancing like child ballerina, and laughing like a baby during peek-a-boo. But the mood turns ominous when I hear a crack of a branch near the castle. Immediately, the lights seem dimmed, the water cold and frigid and the air like needles. I slowly draw my wand, ‘Who’s there?’

‘Someone.’ A cold voice answers.

‘Oh, of course, because that narrows it down.’ When I’m frightened, I always let my sarcasm get the best of me.

The boy tsks. ‘You’re not helping you’re cause.’

‘For what?’

‘Me, deciding whether or not to take advantage of this perfect opportunity.’

‘Opportunity for what?’

‘Kill you.’

 ‘I’ll scream.’ My voice shakes.

‘No you won’t! Silencio!

I struggle to catch my breath for a moment. I try to scream, but he cast a very strong silencing charm on me. I glare at where the voice is originating from.

He steps out into the light. ‘Severus?’ I mouth quite astonished.

‘Hello, Emalia.’ He drawls. He raises his wand. I shrink back lowering mine; I obviously can’t do non-verbal spells.

‘But what about Lily?’ I mouth and watch his face flicker. He seems to have some guilt nagging at him.

‘Go on! Do it!’ A gruff voice urges from further in the darkness.

‘Stupefy!’ he yells unsure. I smash into the fountain and pain over takes my right side. ‘I’m not going to kill her.’ He sighs. ‘Obliviate.


‘Does anyone know what happened to her?’

I open my eyes, everything still a little fuzzy. I try to sit up but pain shoots up my arm. ‘Ow!’ I exclaim.

‘Foxy! You’re awake! Do you remember who did this to you?!’ the boys face erupts with joy then turns serious.

‘No. I don’t remember anything.’

‘Oh, well that’s okay. I’m glad that you’re awake.’

‘Me too, I just have one question.’


‘Who are you?’ I watch the boy with untidy black hair and hazel eyes’ face turn into horror.


Ooh! Cliff-hanger! And btw the ball is in third year and the whole seizure thing is second year! Forgot to mention that.

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