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Remus’ POV

‘So, she doesn’t remember anything?’ I ask quietly.

‘Anything about us. It’s like the person targeted the incident and us. She remembers Lily and them but doesn’t remember that Lily hates Me.’ James sighs.

‘Well, when is she going to remember?’ I ask impatiently.

‘There’s a possibility she won’t.’ Sirius interjects. ‘And right after we all become Animagi.’ I glare at him.

‘There are more important things that she forgot.’

‘What? You’re non-existent relationship with her?’ James seems furious.

‘No! Her best friends.’ They all quiet down, taking in what I just said. They all nod. ‘So, we have to become her best friends again.’

‘I realized that!’ James scowls.

‘Hello, boys.’ She comes in, with the grace of a prima ballerina, and then walks straight past us.

‘Hello Foxy!’ Peter says, watery eyes looking up at her.

She looks a bit confused, she probably doesn’t remember that either. ‘Hello Emalia.’ I force a small smile but am sure it looks pained. They chorus the same behind me. She walks up the stairs.

‘Blimey!’ I just realized something!’ Sirius exclaimed. ‘Right before I saw her go outside, she came to talk to me. You guys know she’s been having trouble conjuring a Patronus, well, she told me she’d finally found a good enough memory. Dancing with us.’

‘Now what is she going to use?’

‘Well, she remembers most of the dance and I never asked her if she remembered dancing with us.’ James’ face turns into a pit of newfound joy.

We all bolt up the stairs and pounce on the doorknob. The stairs turn into a slide and we fall back to where we started. I jump up, glaring at the evil staircase.

‘THAT WAS BLOODY COOL!’ James jumps up, knocking Sirius off of him.

‘We should do that again.’ Sirius exclaims.

‘What was that?’ She pops her head out the door.

‘Emalia! Can you come down?’

‘Okay?’ She slides down gracefully, landing on her feet. ‘What would you like, Remus?’

 ‘Please just call me Moony, him Prongs, him Padfoot and him Wormtail or Wormy.’ I ask unable to take it without a little bit of her old self back, even if it’s just the nicknames.

‘Okay.’ She starts walking up the newly set stairs.

‘No! That wasn’t it!’ James grins.

‘Okay. He looks evil.’ She raises her eyebrows, coming back down.

‘He is.’ I say dismissively.

‘Hey!’ He protests.

Silencio.’ I point my wand at him. She flinches. ‘What?’ I ask.

‘He used that on me. By the fountain.’ She has a stone cold face at the moment. That doesn’t happen a lot.

‘You remember?’ James grabs her arm and makes her sit down. ‘Who?’

‘I-I don’t remember. Just he stopped when I mentioned Lily. Then someone told him to get on with it and he stunned Me.’ she absent-mindedly rubs her right arm.

I think for a moment. ‘Severus.’ I growl.

‘You think?’ Sirius scowls.

‘I’ll kill him.’ James sneers.

‘Why him?’ she asks.

‘He’s the one who made you forget us! All five years of your best friends!  I miss the old you!’I huff.

‘Well, sorry about that! I’m so very sorry I didn’t stop a stupid memory charm from when I was stunned! I’m sorry that whoever did this wanted to target you! You know, this isn’t my fault! Maybe if one of you gits decided to come out with me, then this wouldn’t have happened!’ she screams, and then runs out of the common room.

‘She just called us gits.’ Jams pouts and I cuff him on the side of the head.


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