The Power Within: Chapter 1

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{ Before you start I would just like to thank @lizmonster on Instagram for the beautiful photos I have been using for my fanfic covers! <3}

(Jocelyn's POV)

They don't know this, but they have unknown dark powers within themselves. Their powers are stronger than any other power out there.

Team Crafted's power must be for good not for evil.

(Jason's POV)

"JASON! JASON HELP ME JASON!" Sky yelled quickly as he was being chased by three guys. "I'm glitched in the air hold on!" I yelled back.

"JAAAAASSOOOON! BREEEEE!" "Hold on sky. Jason to the rescue!" I sprinted to sky and killed the three guys. "Lets take off our armor for an even fight." I said.

As I was taking of my armor I heard Adam screaming "DIEEEEEEE!" Next thing I know I'm dead and sky won the hunger games. "HA, I regret nothing Jason nothing!" Sky continued laughing.

"That's not funny!" I shouted with a little bit of laughter. After that Adam took us out and we stopped recording.

When I was turning off my computer  I heard the door bell. "Im pretty sure that could be Ty." I said to myself. Everyone else is with their families.

"Coming, just hold on!" I yelled from all the way upstairs. Whoever it is probably wouldn't have heard that anyways.

I make my way downstairs and open the door.

It was a girl.

{I didn't really know how to start if off so I just chose during the deathmatch of the Hunger Deens c: I really hope you enjoyed the first part if the power within. I have many more fanfictions I'm planning on doing. So stay tuned :3}

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