1st Night: 10 Years Later

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Surprise!!! I've decided to post the first three chapters! Honestly I couldn't wait any longer! I've been so motivated lately for this fanfic ,and since I have some awesome readers, I've decided to post the first three chapters as sort of a thank you. Thank you all so much <3 One thing is for sure, it will be taking me awhile to update, but I just couldn't wait any longer. I missed updating :)

Also, there are certain parts in the chapters where it says "Play the music". I recommend playing it so you guys can somewhat feel the mood of those certain parts of the story.

Enjoy! :D



~Serenity Tsukiyomi~

10 years have passed since I took Zero Kiryu to the Hunter's Association. Things really haven't changed a bit. I spend most of my time cooped in the castle, doing nothing but studying and training. But tomorrow evening is the night I reveal myself as the Tsukiyomi family's representative. The evening that the entire vampire race finds out that I am alive, including Kaname... I've seen pictures of him through the newspapers. He has grown to be very handsome. It's one of the reasons I haven't gotten over him.

I'm sure he's forgotten about me. It's been 10 years and he didn't even try to come and find me. He'd rather be with his precious Yuuki.

Ugh, why am I still thinking about him?! Right now, I need to focus on this stupid paperwork.

I then continued doing my paperwork, signing papers here and there.

"Se-ren-i-ty!" Rina said, barging in my room.

Rina Shiraishi is the princess of the neighboring Kaze Kingdom and my best friend. I forgot to mention that she and the other Level S vampires from the other 3 kingdoms know of my existence.

"Rina! It's been awhile! What brings you here this evening?" I said happily.

"Well, of course you do know me and the others are staying here for the day! Tomorrow evening is the big night! The night when the 5 of us will be publicly announced as our kingdom's representatives! Even though we became representatives at 14, we finally are going to be able to leave our respective kingdoms now that we are the age!"

"Yeah, I know... But in my case... It's different. Everyone thinks I'm dead." I said as I turned my chair around, looking out the window.

"But hey... You might see Kaname at the ceremony."

"Highly doubt it. After that night I "died," he never showed his face again. That alone shows that he doesn't care."

"What if he was looking for you that night, but couldn't find you? And hate to burst your bubble, but you didn't bother looking for him either. You just stayed there in that residence waiting for him. If you had left searching for him, maybe you guys would have found each other."

"I tried searching for him. You know that we can sense other vampires from very far distances. I didn't sense him near me. And the Kiryu residence was not too far from the Hunter's Association. This empire is even located near that residence since those siblings found me near there. He didn't even bother looking for me..."

"Kaname might have tried looking for you. He might have just-"

I then forced a smile on myself.

"Let's change the subject now shall we? Let's go fetch some miso soup!" I said, changing the subject, standing from my desk; taking Rina's hand and exiting my room.

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