11th Night: The Inheritance Ceremony

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~Third person PoV, play the song~

Maria and Ichiru stepped out from the carriage in front of Cross Academy.

"Aww... It looks like I came a little too late, Princess Serenity left back already..."

"You will, of course have the opportunity to meet her. You just missed her, that's all.."

"We have the invitations. We'll get in just fine."

Maria looked at the invitations, her eyes not wavering away from them.

"Who gave you those invitations?" Ichiru asked.

"An old friend....More like someone that was once a person that was very dear to me... But in the end, I only found out that I was being used... That brought forth my anger. My malice. And my hatred for the princess..."

Ichiru looked at Maria in suspicion.

She smiled carelessly.

"Just joking~ The Kurenai family has a connection with the Tsukiyomi family, and I just happened to get my hands on the invitations. Nothing important."

"I see..." Ichiru answered with a distant look.

She's lying... She just has to be....  Ichiru thought to himself.

"Well, why don't we go inside and and get changed? Kaname knows of my arrival anyways."

Ichiru nodded and the two went up the stairs. As they made they way to the gates, the rest of the Night Class students were dressed formally, making their way out.

"Hello! You must be the new student! I'm sorry that we have to meet like this, but we are accompanying Kaname to he and Serenity's inheritance ceremony." Takuma answered with a smile.

"Oh no it's fine! I was invited as well, so I will be attending! I just need to leave my things in my dorm in the old Night Class dorms, and get ready. I'll see you all there!" Maria cheerfully stated as she walked away with Ichiru.

As Maria and Ichiru walked away, Ichijo looked slightly confused as they began walking to their limo.

"Kaname let her stay in the old dorms? How peculiar..." He stated.

"I'm surprised that she was invited... I didn't know the Tsukiyomi family had connections with the Kurenai family..." Rima answered in a bit of a confused tone.

"That is strange... The reason we all have the connection is because Kaname's marriage to Princess Serenity. But Maria Kurenai...? How in the world does she-"

"The Kurenai family has ties to the Hio family... They are distant blood relatives. Maybe since the Hio family is known to be servants of the Shiraishi family, possibly-" Akatsuki stated.

All of them then got in the car, and continued the conversation as the car pulled forward.

"No.. It cannot be. Shizuka Hio was the last Hio known to existence. And she was banished from the Kaze Kingdom. That broke her connections to the Shiraishi family." Aido responded.

"Did you take a look at how her invitation looked like? It will tell whether it is an invitation from the Emperor, Empress, Prince, or Princess." Senri asked.

"We have the silver ticket, which is an invitation from the Sora Empire's prince, to which is Kaname... She had a golden ticket, which means that she was invited by the Emperor or Empress...." Aido stated.

"Why would either of them even invite a blood relative of Shizuka Hio...?" Rima asked.

"No idea... " Aido responded.

His Princess | A VK Fanfic [Discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora