4th Night: To Cross Academy

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~Serenity Tsukiyomi~

The sun was slowly starting to rise up into the sky and I was already in bed, trying to fall asleep.

I can't fall asleep... So much has happened tonight and I still can't believe that Kaname and I actually met again, and then this girl comes to the castle claiming to be my cousin... From my understanding, my uncle really didn't believe that I would be able to succeed as the Sora Empire's empress. He even went as far as telling me to leave with him when I came back four years ago, believing that I wasn't capable of become Empress. He can't possibly think highly of me. I sensed that Hina was lying to me about where she truly comes from and what relationship she has with the Tsukiyomi family. I mean, yes I can tell that she is of the Tsukiyomi family as she carries our blood, but I also can smell the blood of a Level A within her as well. It is such a familiar scent, but I can't put my mind to it...

I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

~Yuuki Cross~

As I was making my way to class with Yori-chan, I thought of where Zero left last night. The Sora Empire? There's a completely different world within the world of vampires, is there... A race of vampires that's powers even surpass Kaname-senpai's. That's really scary, to be honest... There was a time that I got scared of Kaname-senpai, I can't imagine what it's like being around a Level S pureblood vampire. And the fact that Zero befriended one is even more surprising. Was Serenity-san that kind and pure that it even went up to the point that a person like Zero got close to her?

"You've been quiet lately, Yuuki. Are you okay?"

"Oh! I'm fine! I'm just not really looking forward to math class today, that's all..." I stated.

"You just have to pay more attention, Yuuki. I know Disciplinary Committee duties are a challenge, but you need to put more effort into your schoolwork as well." Yori said.

"I know I do. I'll try my best to do better!" I cheerfully stated.

The bell signaling that class was about to rang began.

"We're going to be late!" I said in a loud tone.

"Let's hurry! Maybe the teacher might not be in the classroom and we might just be able to get off the hook!" Yori-chan stated, taking me by the hand and running as fast as we can to class.

We ran through the hallways of the school until I opened the doors to the classroom.

"We are safe!" I stated in relief.

"Thank goodness..." Yori-chan stated.

Yori-chan and I both sat down at our seats, catching our breaths.

"Late again, huh... You're lucky enough that the teacher will not be in today, as she is on maternity leave."

"Oh, okay then..." I said with a sigh.

"Then who is going to substitute the class?" Yori asked.

As if on cue, the door opened and two teachers came in. The girls in the classroom immediately began to fangirl like crazy.

Zero sighed quietly. "Really... Why is Kaito and Master here...?" He whispered.

"I'm Toga Yagari. And this boy here is Kaito Takamiya. He will serve as some sort of a teacher in training, so please go easy on him."

Kaito? Isn't that the guy that Zero went with to the Sora Empire? What is he doing here?

"Hello. It is a pleasure to meet you all." Kaito stated.

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