13th Night: The Power Within

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Note: This is "Season 2" of His Princess, and this is where things are really going to happen :D

New opening song: To the Beginning by Kalafina

Will one last miracle come to pass?

A gentle voice paints a twisted future

For the sake of a world where nobody will cry

Before reaching the crimson-stained sky

My cries and prayers fade and disappear

I can go on, abandoning all consolation

The beautiful moonlight shines towards the beginning and vanishes

into the distance

I'll continue to reach out as my eyes are gradually closed

I believe in your sorrow....


~Kaname Kuran~

Our group had made it to the Kaze Kingdom, and we were immediately welcomed by the people within the town. We took the horses to the castle's stables and I had already realized that Serenity was sleeping soundly on my back, resting.

It was been a long ride... We were on these horses for two hours without stopping. I took the sleeping Serenity in my arms and she moved a bit, slowly opening her eyes.


I smiled.

"We've arrived at the Kaze Kingdom."

"Oh, I must have dozed off on the ride here..."

I let Serenity down and she looked around curiously.

"Everyone, I hereby welcome you all to the Kaze Kingdom!" Rina said cheerfully.

The Kaze Kingdom is the neighboring kingdom of the Sora Empire. Two hours away from the town of Shizukesa, the Kaze Kingdom is within the woods. Tall trees keep the town of Hana secluded while Kaze Castle was not too distant from the town itself. The citizens of Kaze Kingdom rely on nature, and here, the royal Shiraishi family is more involved with the people.

"Rina-denka has returned!" One of the villagers called out.

"And there are many others with her as well! And look! It's the Lightning Princess!"

"In person, she's so pretty... And look, Kaname-sama is by her side as well!"

"I wonder how he felt when he found out that his wife was alive..." Another said.

Many of the villagers were looking at us, their  eyes never wavering. Most of them were looking at Serenity. She had a majestic appearance, despite the casual clothing that she was wearing.

But the truth is... I believed that she was gone. I thought she was dead. But something deep inside of me always yearned for her.

Her love, her touch... Every single aspect.

I have to admit, ever since Serenity and I have reconciled and become a true married couple, I realized that my desire for her has grown a great deal.

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