2nd Night: The Sora Princess Returns

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~Serenity Tsukiyomi~

The sun was slowly rising and Rina decided to go to her room and get ready for bed, as tomorrow evening was the big night. As for me, I had to stay awake and wait for Satsuki, Aiko, and Azusa, who were on their way here. Things are actually currently hectic here in Sora Castle as things are being prepared for tomorrow's ceremony.

I am making my way to my room, while all of a sudden Kimura calls out to me.


I turned around and smiled.

"Kimura, welcome back! How did things go with Zero?"

"Everything is good with him. I handed him the letter that you had sent to him."

I sighed. "That's good. I can't wait to see him tomorrow! I hope he has been doing well!"

"I don't know about that, Your Highness. Zero looked...very thirsty for blood."

"It has been four years. The effects of my blood lasted for a long time."


"That night when the Kiryu residence was attacked... I offered Zero my blood, as he was bit by Shizuka Hio."

"Y-you what?!"

"I did not want him to suffer of blood thirst for a few years, so I gave him my blood. It seems like the effects of my blood are wearing off..."

"Serenity-sama... You know you are not allowed to give your blood to a Level D vampire! It is a taboo!"

I sighed. "It was only once... It wasn't like I was continuously giving it to him. I gave it to him once and that was the end of it. Plus, that was four years ago. It's okay." I reassured him with a smile.

"As long as you haven't done it again... That is fine with me. Your family's bloodline has become extremely rare. Your family is just as rare as the Kuran family has become. The only people that remain from them are Yuuki-sama, Kaname-sama, and Rido-sama. And in this family only remains your parents, your grandmother, and yourself."

"I understand those circumstances just fine. The only reason I can shed my blood is to either heal someone or give it to my husband."

"Correct. That is what your parents have told you, remember? The only person you can give your blood to is the one you have the blood bond with, which is your husband, Kaname Kuran-sama."

"Yes, I know..." I then touched my neck and felt something faintly glow on my neck. The symbol of a red rose glowed for a short time, then disappeared.

I can still feel his blood run through my veins after all of these years...

"Serenity-denka! They have arrived!" A servant called out.

"All right, I'll be right down!" I called out.

"I need to get downstairs. Go and see if Rina needs anything." I ordered Kimura.

"Yes, Serenity-sama."

I turned around and walked back the direction I came from.

As soon as I made it to the castle's entrance, Satsuki, Aiko, and Azusa had arrived.

"Hey guys! It's been a while."

"It really has been, my dear...." Satsuki, the prince of the Hi Kingdom said, giving me a kiss on the hand.

"Satsuki, you know you should not be doing that to a married woman!" Azusa, the prince of the Mizu Kingdom stated, getting in between us.

"Married woman? Her marriage to Kaname Kuran is nothing but an arranged marriage. Plus, Serenity deserves to be truthfully happy."

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