(Human!) Morro x reader

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The art above is mine. It kinda looks like... Jeff? With...  A sewn up mouth? I dunno... But just enjoy this chapter. 😊

"And what do you think you're doing?!" She screeched right in my face. Tears wanted to stream down my cheeks. But I held them in, before they even could get out of my eyes. Once again, the third time today to be honest, she threw my books and papers to the ground. I tried to pick them up, but she kicked them away from me and walked off with her bunch of bitches.
I hate her.
(R|G|N) (Random girl's name) is such a slut! I don't even know how anyone could love her! She's got the devil within.
Once again tears wanted to stream down my cheeks. But this time I didn't want to hold them in. So they finally trickled down my cheeks and my chin down on my (F|C) (Favorite color) skirt. I sniffled silently and reached out to pick up my books. That's when I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder. I didn't move, I was paralyzed. The person clears their throat and says in a deep but clear voice: "May I help you?"
My heart started to beat against my chest. I wiped my tears away and looked at the person who seemed to be a Male. It was a very good looking boy, just around my age, well maybe a little older. My heartbeat accelerate and appeared to want to pop out of my chest. He already picked up the books and handed me some of them. Like I said before I was paralyzed, unable to control my own body. "Um... Well here are your books... " he said and looked at me. I blushed like mad when he stuttered, probably because I was staring at him like all the time. "Thanks a lot," I said politely and reached out for the books. He didn't give them to me. I looked at him afraid to know what he wanted to do with them. He seemed to read me like a book. Suddenly he chuckled and I blushed even harder. "What is it? Why you laughing?" I asked, my voice quivered lightly. "Don't worry. I didn't give you your books back because I wanna carry them for you. Got a problem with that?" I looked at him in shock, no one ever was this nice to me, I never have had a friend. I have been bullied all my life. And all of a sudden the tables turned. I never thought that I would fall for a guy. But... Now... It actually happened! I stood up and we headed to my locker. We put the books into it and walked off together. Soon my blush faded away and I was absolutely comfortable with him by my side. When we were outside I saw
(R|G|N) again. I felt like throwing up just seeing her. The boy gave my hand a light squeeze, probably telling me, that he got this. Just then (R|G|N) came towards us, followed by her bunch of bitches, as always. The boy let go of my hand and crossed his arms in front of his chest. I looked (R|G|N) right into the eyes. "Hey Morro what are you dong with this slut? Don't you rather want to hang up with me and my friends at my place?" She came closer to him and placed her hand on his chest. I felt how my blood was boiling with rage. Just when I was close to punch her right in her fucking face and break her nose, the boy, whose name seemed to be Morro said: "I don't want to hit girls. So you better back off." I looked at him and then at her. She just giggled like some.....
ARGH!!!! She's making me go insane!!!
"Are you serious, honey?" She asked and stroke his hidden abs. Morro pushed her hands away and backed off. "I am dead serious." He growled. My heart started to melt at his actions. Is he actually fighting for me? (R|G|N) stared at him in shock then came towards me. I backed off in shock, that's when Morro stopped her by punching her right in the face and she collapsed onto the floor. Blood trickled down her nose and mouth. She cried out in pain and it felt so....
I love seeing her like this. I looked at Morro he was still clenching his fists and his teeth. I came over to him and hugged him. "Thank you so much!" I whispered. He simply nodded, that's when (R|G|N) stood up again one hand on her nose. She death glared at Morro and me. "Why are you protecting her?!" She screeched. Morro put his muscular arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. Then he kissed me passionately and I was shocked by his sudden action. Soon I stared to enjoy the feeling of his warm, wet lips against mine. "Because she is my girlfriend." He said when we broke the kiss. I could see the jealousy burning up in her. She turned away from us and walked away with her crew. I blushed like mad and didn't dare looking at Morro. Was he serious? Does he actually love me? I think so... Why else would he kiss me? To protect me? I took a single glare at him and caught him staring at me. My face heated up and turned redder than a tomato. And he? He was simply staring at me.
Without blinking.
Without blushing.
I turned away from him. "What is it? You can tell me." He said. A small "Nothing" escaped my lips. "(Y|N) (Your name).... Just tell me or I won't let you go home." "But...." He cut me off by cupping my cheeks and kissing me. I moaned through the kiss and he smiled. Soon we broke it because of the lack of oxygen. He left me panting. I looked him in the eyes. Morro gave me this one, adorable, secure look, making me feel save. I just met him... And he... Stole my heart. "Now. You know you can trust me. Do you mind telling me what's wrong? Especially with this bitch? And what she wants from you?" I hesitated but soon I started to talk. "I'll tell you on the way. I feel hungry. I wanna eat something." He giggled a little and I was confused. "What?" I asked Morro. "Nothing... It's just..." He laughed again. "Does that mean we're going out? Like a......
Date?" I blushed like mad and pushed him playfully. "Morro! Stop it! You know what I mean!" Soon we walked off and headed to a sushi bar. When we ordered our food (If you don't like sushi... Just go with it. Or order... Noodles! Or a soup?! 😅) we sat down in front of each other and started talking. I explained the situation about me and (R|G|N). He was shocked by how far she always went. And the fact that she would do anything to make me look like a fool nearly made Morro go insane. He shook his head and instantly lost his appetite. "You know what? Let's talk about something else. Like... I don't know" I suggested. "Well there actually is something I wanna tell you. The fact that I... You know...
..... Like you....."
I looked at him in shock. I was speechless. Did he just? Well maybe the boy's 'I like you' means something else? But... Maybe...? Morro caught me staring at him non believing and started to panic. "No no no no no!! I mean... I-I mean it... I-I'm not... I... I... I'm missing words! I-I couldn't... No word in this world c-could describe the love I-I feel for you!" I felt butterflies in my belly. And chills running down my spine. "Did... Did you just admit your feelings for me?" I asked quietly. I couldn't believe that he actually has the guts for this. He slowly nodded. My heartbeat rose. "I... Have to tell you a secret. But not now. Let's go home." Morro stared down at his food and seemed to try to avoid eye contact with me. "Did I say something wrong?" Now he started to look at me then and now. "No... It's just... Let's go home." I slowly stood up and we started walking home.
"So... Why did you seem so sad back there?" I asked him. Morro looked at me and then started to talk. "I... Have to admit something too... I... Don't have a... Home. I spend the night at the place of a good friend." I couldn't believe the things he just told me. I would never expect that Morro was this poor. "Then I have to tell you two secrets." Morro looked at me. "First. I... Don't got parents but... A house... A big house. And I didn't want to tell anyone about my parents and my house because they wouldn't believe it anyway." "And secondly?" I giggled. "It's not the time for telling you... Yet." He looked at me confused. "You know what. Let's head to my house. I allow you to stay as long as you want to." I suggested. Morro stared at me with big eyes. "That would be so great! Thank you very much (Y|N)!" He laughed and hugged me. I blushed lightly and so did he as he quickly broke the hug. "Well let's go. It's over there," I said and pointed to the biggest house at the end of the street. Morro stared in awe but soon followed after me. "So... Do you want to tell me how you... Lost your parents?" He asked me. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. We threw out bags onto the floor. I glared at him. "You don't have to if you don-" I cut him off by putting my finger on his lips. "You talk too much. I allow you to look around until I make some lunch. The bathroom is on the top floor if you want to... You know..." He blushed a little bit. "Don't worry I won't sneak up at you. You are free to take a shower." We both giggled a little bit. "But I don't got any clothes..." Morro said ashamed. "Hmmm... Well... Then let's buy you some clothes!" I suggested.
Time skip after you bought some clothes (Because I'm lazy 😂)
"What do you want to have for lunch?" I asked him when we got home. "I don't care as long as you can eat it" he laughed and so did I. "Well go ahead and take a shower. I'll see what's in the fridge."
Another time skip. Because you know why 😂
When Morro was done showering I have finished making lunch. Well actually dinner. We spent a lot of time buying clothes for Morro. Which I really enjoyed. I set the table and waited for Morro to come down. But when I saw him my jaw dropped open. Who thought that a shower would change so much. He looked like a completely new person. A very good looking person. His black hair which was nicely brushed, his face, my god, his face. His sharp bone cheeks his emerald eyes. His strong, muscular chest which was clearly shown through his thin, dark green tank top. Oh how I adored him right now! I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't even realize that I watched him all the time. Until he sat down. "Umm... Is everything okay with you?" Morro asked with his usual deep voice, which I now could clearly hear. I was blind and deaf all the time. I tried to run away from my destiny. Because I have been bullied, hated, mistreated and abandoned. I tried to die so many times. But there always have been this voice, which used to scream no. And now I could hear it. Morro is the reason why I'm still alive. "(Y|N)? Is anyone there?!" Morro said and waved at me. I collapsed onto the floor and bursted out in tears. I sniffled silently. Morro rushed over to me and hugged me tightly. "What happened? Did I say something wrong?" He asked quickly. I buried my face into his strong chest and enjoyed his scent. As soon as I smelled him I felt secure. "It's nothing Morro. And you didn't say something wrong. You said something true." We looked into each other's eyes, no one dared saying a thing. Until I closed the gap by kissing him on his lips. His soft, wet lips that I felt before. When he tried to protect me from (R|G|N). Fireworks went within us because we both knew we loved each other.
This isn't a lemon...
But it soon will be...
Means I'll be doing a part two... And P. S. I'm taking requests as well. I hope you enjoyed reading this part. It took me like forever! Anyway. Let me know in the comments which ship you want in the next chapter.
Bye xx

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