Bonus chapter - Lloyd and Nelson

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This isn't a one shot. It's just something I've been thinking about since Jesus. 😂
Anyway enjoy <3

It was this kid.
Not just a normal kid... Well okay he might have been normal. But he had this one Aura.
Innocent. Fragile. Just a kid with a dream. Which can never come true. But I decided to make it happen somehow.


The one kid with this special disease. Not just two simply broken legs.

But two broken legs that can never be moved again. Every time I think about this I feel like throwing up. And collapse onto the floor and cry until there is nothing left.

The doctors said there will be no way making him whole again.

Pure depression and sadness are eating me up inside. I can't stand his sight anymore. I gotta do something. Or more. I need to get him out of his misery. Even if he doesn't know that he'll only live less than 1 month. I need to make this month the best he ever had.

So I decided to make my way down to the hospital. Its sight was kinda scary. But even though I went in. And this wasn't my first time. I got here many times before, because of really bad injures. And battle scars. And of course because of my brothers if they needed help from a doctor or something.

Everyone in this hospital knows me. So I made my way up to the station for the children. I haven't been there before. It was kinda loud too. But I think they'll all be really happy and excited if they see me. I stopped in front of a door. This is it. This is the room for the children with special disabilities. I put my green ninja Gi on and turned the silver knob.

I slowly opened the door and saw a few boys and girls playing together in their wheelchairs or on their beds. The sight was really cute and unbelievable. I couldn't believe that these kids were really disabled.

As soon as they saw me they stopped doing everything and stared at me in awe. "It's the green ninja!" A cute little girl with blond hair said and drove towards me. I hugged her tightly and picked her up from her wheelchair. "I am so glad that I can be here for you." I said and by the time they weren't shy anymore and all ran or drove towards me. But I couldn't see Nelson.

"I've heard there is someone who has birthday today." I said out loud so he could hear me. Then, suddenly a cute boy with brown hair and an purple ninja kimono appeared making my heart melt. He sat in a wheelchair and shyly drove towards me. "Hey lil Nelson? How are you?" I asked to break the ice.

He smiled and looked away. I picked him up and carried him in my arms. He giggled and squealed as I did so. "It's your birthday today?" I asked and carried him over to the bed. I sat down and the other kids crowded us. "Yes... Sir" he whispered and blushed a little bit. "You don't have to be shy. I am your friend. And I'm the green ninja. I thought it was an honor for you to meet me? You seem so... I don't know..." Nelson shook his head violently. "No! I love to see you here. But you have to know that we haven't seen here a ninja nor a caring adult before. You are so nice and we first have to know you a little better before we can play or really talk to you, sir." Nelson said.

I laughed a little at his politeness. "Don't call me like that. You can call me Lloyd. Or whatever but not sir. I'm your best friend." I said and kissed his forehead and took another child and placed him on my lap. Soon they weren't shy anymore but jumped onto my lap or in my arms, and talked to me like there is no tomorrow. We laughed the day away.

"So kids... I think it's time for bed." I said. They all groaned and cried.

"Do you have to go already? We want you to be here longer!" Sally said. Nelson was still sitting on my lap and hugging my chest. I think he's asleep already. I stroked his red-Brown hair. "Don't worry I'm not asleep. It is so comfortable here on your lap and against your warm chest. And listening to your heartbeat is so calming."

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