Morro x Reader x Lloyd

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Here it is! Art above is by Erraday, too. Rights go to their respectful owners.

You could feel the bass of the music from the party. You locked yourself in your bedroom with two other boys. One of them was wearing a suit, his muscles were clearly shown through it and the knobs in his chest area were almost popping up.

The other one, well was kinda dressed casually. A sexy tank top showing his chest, abs and his muscles. They both started to strip themselves slowly and teasingly down. You did too. And you were watching them up and down. When you unclasped your bra and you boobs sprung out they both started panting and at this point a huge bulge were clearly shown through their pants....

Your POV:

Friday. Finally! School's over and the summer vacation started. And you decided to go on a party with some of your friends. So when you got home you texted your best friend Nya.

Hey Nya!

- Hey (Y/N) Sup?

Not much... Thinking bout what I
should wear tonight.

- Shall I help you? We can go shopping!

Nah. We're fine but I just don't know what to wear. Should it be sexy or teasing? You know I'm trying to catch somebody's attention.



- You should've told me that you're trying to catch somebody's attention. Anyway it should be sexy and teasing, (Y/N)

I think so too... Thanks Nya! CU Tonight!


I threw my phone on my bed and walked over to my closet. Dress after dress I looked through it but couldn't find anything sexy. So I decided to make one by myself. I have that creativity that no one else has.


DONE! I screamed happily and smiled at the green, sexy dress with a short black leather jacket.

Then I stared at the clock and couldn't believe what time it was 8:00 Pm! "I'm too late!!!!" I screamed and quickly got dressed. I checked myself in the mirror and ran down the stairs and saw someone standing there. A tall black figure standing next to a green Lamborghini.

"Hold up...


He looked over to me and slowly walked towards me. I stood unsteady and my knees felt like pudding. Lloyd opened his arms for me and hugged me tightly. "I was worried sick! I thought something happened to you!"
I was slightly confused. "But why did you come? Not that I'm not pleased at the sight of you. But you didn't have to come."

"But I texted you (Y/N). And you didn't respond so I thought it's okay and probably polite when I came over to give you a lift." I blushed like mad. Why would my crush care about me? He is the green ninja and has so many other fangirls. And I'm just... Me...

"Can we go?" He asked and finally let go of me. I nodded slowly and followed after him. He opened the door for me like a real gentle man would do. Once again I blushed and took a seat on the cold leather of the passenger's seat. When Lloyd got in he stared at me for a long time before turning on the engine and driving off.

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