You Dated a Bed-Wetter?

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Austin's POV

I walked into the crowded bar, my eyes scanning the crowd for the asshole I knew I would find there. This was after all where scumbags hung out, and he was no different.

My eyes finally singled him out in the mass of people, and I pushed through the thickening crowd towards him. He was standing with his back to me, a brunette standing in front of him. Her eyes traveled towards me as I walked up to them, and I smirked when she pulled away from him and stood up straighter, her eyes never straying away from mine.

Reaching the bastard, I placed a hand on his shoulder and waited for him to turn around. He turned towards me and I gave him a second to recognize my face before my fist connected with his mug of a face. I watched as he stumbled back, his back hitting the edge of the bar before I pinned him onto it with my forearm.

"You know, you really are an idiot, Noel. I warned you not to hurt her, still did..." He shruggled to get me off of him, so I wrapped my other hand around his neck, pinning him harder against the bar. "Listen to me, and listen carefully, Nori, I'm gonna need you to stay away from her, because if you don't, I'm gonna have to beat your face in, and that's a lot of work. Fucks up my fingers and takes time; time I can use to fuck the gorgeous brunette next to you. Don't fuck with that, okay, kid?" He swallowed hard, before mumbling something. "What was that?"

"F-fuck you!" he wheezed out and I sighed. Not really what I wanted to hear.

Letting go of his neck, I slammed his head down onto the bar and lifted my arm to punch him again, when someone grabbed my forearm mid-air, interrupting my much needed self-prescribed therapy. I turned towards the idiot who had mustered the balls to take such pleasures away from me, angrily.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, buddy," the guy I recognized as the bouncer standing outside when I'd walked in, said as he let go of my arm and gestured towards the door. I turned to Nomy one more time and glared.

"Stay away from her." I turned towards the brunette next to him and reached out a hand, when she placed her small hand in mine, I headed towards the door with her in tow.

I walked into my apartment building, three days later, a grin making its way onto my face as I walked past Nissa's door. It had been a shame that I had to miss her face when she found out I'd replaced all her furniture, but I also wasn't dumb enough to stick around. I knew how pissed she would be and I would not die at such a young age.

There was too much I hadn't done. Like fuck on a boat, or eat five burgers in a row. I had dreams, dammit and I was going to fullfill them. So, no, me getting the hell out of her way was not me being a coward, it was me thinking about some lucky girl, who would someday get to fuck on a boat. Just me being selfless, that's all.

I swung my door open, cautiously. I knew Nissa better than I knew myself and I knew without a doubt that she would retaliate. The munchkin was the devil, and I was smart enough to acknowledge that. I scanned the hallway of my apartment for any booby traps, before carefully stepping in.

"I'm in your living room and no, I'm not here to prank you," I heard the little demon yell from the living room.


How stupid did she think I was? I had already fallen for that little trick more than I cared to admit. There was no way in hell I was falling for it again.

"I swear." When I didn't answer, I heard her growl, before she poked her head around the corner and gave me a glare.

"Why don't you come on out where I can see your hands, mhm?" I finally replied, backing up towards the door, my arms lifted in a defensive stance in front of me.

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