Wet and digging your nails into my back

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Nissa's POV

Closing my eyes, I let the warm water wash off the suds of my body wash, the tension in my shoulders starting to fade. It had been almost two weeks since Austin and I had started our little revenge, and it was going better than expected.

It had also been two weeks since I'd last pranked Austin, and if I was being honest with myself, it was driving me crazy. Austin and I had never seen eye to eye, we fought about everything. Even the small things, like what the best sandwich was.

It was still nutella, he could go choke on his PB&J.

But even though we disagreed on everything, it was what made us work. It was the only way we knew how to work. And fuck did I miss that. I missed his fucking screams of horror when he found what little surprise I'd left in his apartment for the day. But as much as I missed that, I couldn't prank him. I'd promised I wouldn't. We both had.

Groaning, I let my eyes slip open, and reached for the handle, my body going cold, and my arm freezing mid-way. My eyes widened as I stared at my arm like I'd never seen it before; like it was some strange alien from another earth. It may as well have been since I didn't recognize that arm. My arm wasn't...blue. Bright neon blue.

I let my eyes travel up my arm, hoping to god that the rest of me was a normal fucking color, the horror sinking in when the further my eyes traveled the more blue I found. My entire body was covered in blue.

"Austin, you son of a bitch, I am going to strangle you!" I screamed, hard enough for him to hear in any part of his apartment that he might have been in.

I was going to kill him. He was a dead man walking. When I was done with him, he would regret ever existing.

Ripping the shower curtain back, I stomped out of the shower, being careful not to slip and fall. Having experienced the pain of falling on my marble floors before, I'd learned to be extra careful.

Grabbing my towel, I haphazardly threw it around myself as I stomped out of my apartment, and wrenched the stupid idiot's door open.

"Austin, where are you, you coward?" I growled, my hair dripping and soaking his hardwood floors.

"What's got you so blue?" He snorted, walking out of the kitchen in nothing but his boxers, and if I wasn't seething, I probably would take the time to appreciate that hard chest, those muscular arms, and that tattoo sleeve on his left arm that made my insides burn. But my face was hot, my blood boiling and my fucking blue hands shaking, so that would have to wait.

"I am going to skin you alive, boil your skin and then eat it," I gritted out and his eyes widened comically, his hands coming up defensively as he took a step back.

"God, do you hear what comes out of your mouth? You are a psychopath," he muttered, incredulous, and I let out a hiss, making him give me a placating smile. "Easy."

"I am blue. I am fucking blue," I snapped, shoving my arms in his direction to show him as if it wasn't so blatantly obvious. "I look like a deranged smurf!"

"A deranged, but cute Smurf?" He replied, giving me a nervous smile.

"Shut up, shut up."

"In my defense, I didn't know the dye was going to be so...bright," he choked out, covering a laugh with a cough, before he burst out laughing, holding his stomach as he bent over cackling.

"Why the fuck would you put dye in my body wash? We had a deal," I reminded him, "No pranking each other while we take Noah down."

He straightened, still chuckling, and shrugged. "I got bored."

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