Recognizable Traits of a Serial Killer

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"How the fuck is this supposed to be fun? You said I would have fun. You lied," I grumbled as I struggled to move one more inch. My body felt like it was on fire, my muscles screaming in agony with each step I took. I would kill the son of the bitch if I had the energy, but, alas, I didn't.

"This is fun, stop being so grumpy, and you'll have fun," the idiot had the audacity to reply, walking in front of me with absolute ease, and it made me hate him even more.

"This is not fun, you asshole, this is torture." Forcing one leg in front of the other, I followed behind the sadistic bastard and the two other assholes, who'd happily gone along with his idea when he'd suggested it earlier that morning. "I can't do this," I whined, resting my hands on my bent knees and panting.

Stopping, he turned around and walked back over towards me, hoisting his backpack. "You were the one who said she wanted to exercise more."

I gave him an annoyed look, "I didn't actually mean that, dumbass. People never mean that. We just say we want to exercise more to feel better about not doing it all."

“Come on, babe, you can do it," Casey interjected, both her and Ryder coming to a stop and walking back towards us when they realized we were no longer behind them.

I turned my glare on her, running my fingers through my hair, sliding my rubber band off and trying to grab all the loose strands that had fallen out since I'd tied it that morning, and pulled into a messy bun.

"Listen here, Stratford, I cannot do this, don't patronize me," I snipped, giving her a scowl that deepened when she bit down her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing.

Our attention was drawn to Ryder as he began searching the backpacks. Feeling our eyes on him, he paused and shot as a look over his shoulder. "What?"

"What are you doing?" Casey asked him,  lifting an eyebrow.

"Looking for something to eat," he shrugged, giving us a tired look when we just stared at him. "We all know that this is going to take a while, and I'm hungry. So I'm eating."

Austin hummed understandingly, and stood with his hands on his hips, gesturing for Ryder to toss him a protein bar as well. "He's actually not wrong; she's set."

I nodded. "Get comfortable, Case."

She shrugged. "Yeah, okay, bar me." Sitting down next to Ryder, she leaned into him when he wrapped and arm around her shoulders, handing her a protein bar.

"I meant to ask you, what are you guys even doing in New York in the middle of the school year?" Austin asked, sitting on the ground next to me, and leaning against a tree trunk. "I know Ryder is a slacker, but Casey Stratford missing school? Did hell freeze over?"

Giving each other that look that I'd long come to recognize as 'their look', the look that only they could recognize and knew what it meant, Casey turned towards Austin, while Ryder suddenly found the ground very interesting.

"We just needed some time together," she replied, placing her hand on her boyfriend’s stomach trying to draw some type of support from him.

Cupping the back of her head, he kissed her forehead softly, and turned towards Austin and I. "So, what's been going on with the two of you? I hear you're working together."

I turned to Austin, grimacing, "Yeah, I guess we are...until I smother him in his sleep."

"That's if she doesn't get pushed into a well first," Austin replied, squinting his eyes at me, and I rolled my own.

"Oh yeah, you two are definitely, absolutely capable of working together," Ryder replied, snorting, and we shot him matching glares.

"Shut up, Cavanaugh," Austin spat back, glaring.

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