The Woman I've Fought with my Entire Life

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I didn't know why I'd opened the door for him, I should have known better, but for someone reason I still cared for Noah somewhere in my heart, so I made the stupid mistake of opening the door. I shouldn't have. I really shouldn't have.

He was drunk, I could tell by the strong smell of alcohol rolling off of him in waves and making my mouth turn down in a frown. If that wasn't enough of a clue, his slurred words and unsteady footing were a dead giveaway.

I really shouldn't have opened the damn door.

"Where's my money, Nissa?" he gritted out, pushing himself into my apartment, almost tripping over his own two feet.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I replied, shrugging a shoulder, and crossing my arms.

"Don't play games with me," he snapped, the vein in his neck popping, his face turning red. "I know it was you."

I probably shouldn't have antagonized him, "I'm not playing any games."

"Listen, you stupid bitch, I know you have my money," he growled, the anger in his eyes making me take a step back.

"I don't have your money, Noah," I replied, trying to keep my tone even.

He rolled his eyes, "How desperate are you? Did you really think that if you took my money, I would come crawling back to you? Little advice for ya', sweet cheeks, maybe don't be such a whore and you'll be able to keep a man."

I flinched at his words, pulling my lips between my teeth in a straight line, trying really hard to not show how much his words truly affected me. "Fuck you, Noah."

"You already did," he sneered, giving me a once-over, a smirk on his lips, "You know what the saddest thing about screwing you over was? You practically begged for it. You're so desperate for the perfect love story, that you believe any bullshit I fed you."

I felt a stab in my chest, my eyes burning with the tears that wanted desperately to leak out, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. He wasn't worth it. He'd never been worth it.

I hated that his words weighted on me so much, but as much as I wanted to sink my fist into his face...He was right. All of my life I'd dreamt of finding someone that would love me. I didn't know why, it wasn't like I lacked love from the people surrounding me, but as much as I gave Casey flack for watching Disney movies and told her that they gave little girls unrealistic expectations, I couldn't help but want the fairytale ending.

I knew real love was nothing like the movies, but I was fine with that. I just wanted what my parents, and Casey and Ryder had. I didn't care for the over the top romantic gestures and proclamations of love. I just wanted someone to come home to. I didn't want to be lonely, and Noah had used that against me. I'd let him use it against me.

"Get out," I gritted out, flinging a hand towards the door, the stab in my chest gone, replaced with anger.

"I'm not leaving without my money," he replied, his tone hardening. "Did you really think you could get away with this? I hate to break it to you, Nissa, but you're not smart enough to pull something like this off."

I gritted my teeth, "You're a real piece of shit, you know that? You're not getting your money back. I'll make damn sure that you never see a penny of the money that you stole from innocent people."

He blanched, his eyes flashing with unadulterated anger, and turning a darker shade. "You think you can pull this off? Do you really think that I'm not going to get my money back? You can't outsmart me, Nissa. You can try, but you're emotional and that'll be your downfall."

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