Dinasour Sex Noises

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It was three in the fucking morning.


I was going to kill the person knocking on the other side of my door. Kill them. They were dead. I was going to strangle them, slap their face repeatedly, poke them in the eyes, and then dump their bodies in a dumpster behind a Wendy's.

I flung my door open with a scowl, ready to give the idiot who'd rudely awoken me at three in the morning, a good ass kicking, only to stop short at the sight that greeted me.

"Oh, so this is my fault now?"

"Yes, it very well is."

Standing in the hallway outside my apartment door was my best friend Casey Stratford arguing with her boyfriend Ryder Cavanaugh.

"Uh, Casey?" I mumbled, my voice hoarse with sleep as I stared at my best friend, confused.

Had she told me she was coming? She hadn't, right? I hadn't missed that? How the hell could I have missed that? I was always excited to see her, so how could I have missed that?

"Hey, Niece." She turned to me then, the frown falling from her face, replaced by a grin.

I turned to Ryder, standing next to her, a scowl on his face, a backpack slung over his shoulder and two pieces of suitcases at his feet, with a raised eyebrow when she pulled me into her arms. He shrugged, looking bored.

"Oh, I missed you so much," she squealed next to my ear, making me wince. "Did we wake you up? We woke you up, didn't we?"

"Casey, it's three in the morning, what exactly do you think she was doing? Swimming in her bathtub?" Ryder replied, rolling his eyes when Casey pulled away to throw him a glare.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, giving them a puzzled look. "Not that I'm not happy that you're here, I'm just confused. Did I miss you telling me that you were coming? Because you know I do that a lot."

"No, not this time," Casey replied, giving me a smile, "we are actually supposed to be back home, visiting our families, but someone-" she shot Ryder a pointed look, who rolled his eyes, again, "-made us lose our flight. The nearest airport was here."

"It is not my fault that you spent half an hour in the bathroom," Ryder argued, resting his hands on his hips, defiantly.

"You told me I had an hour before we boarded," Casey gritted out, her eyes widening.

"Um, guys, do you maybe want to finish this fight inside?" I interjected, cautiously, knowing that Casey and Ryder could get pretty heated when arguing. "I don't really want my neighbors to call the cops on me...again."

"Oh god, I'm sorry, Niece," Casey rushed out, shooting me a rueful smile, before moving past me into the apartment.

"Oh don't worry, I've got the bags," Ryder called after her. Huffing, like it was the hardest thing in the world, he grabbed their suitcases and moved past me.

Letting the door close softly behind me, I followed behind them as they made their way towards the living room. They'd been to my apartment once or twice before, and apparently hadn't forgotten the layout.


"I can't believe you made us miss our flight. Nadia is going to be really disappointed, Ryder, and you know I hate disappointing her," Casey snipped, impatiently pacing my living room, crossing her arms and throwing her boyfriend, who had made himself comfortable in one of my chairs, a glare.

Leaning against the doorframe in my living room, I crossed my arms, and fought a laugh when she threw Ryder an expectant glare when he didn't immediately respond.

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