You're every version of you I've ever wanted

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You know that quote, what was it again? Something along the lines of, 'Anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die'?

It was crap, utter nonsense. I'll drink the goddamn poison and then spit it in your mouth. So yeah, fuck Buddha, and his quote.

Anger was good. It was healthy. It kept you safe. It reminded you who your enemies were. And at the moment, I had one enemy, and he was a dead man walking.

He was a damn coward. A sniveling piece of shit, and when I was done with him, he'd need a team of surgeons to reconstruct his ugly mug. He would live the rest of his life remembering my face whenever he looked at himself in the mirror. I would make goddamn sure he regretted ever laying a finger on her.

My mind went to Nissa then, my heart breaking in my chest when I pictured her beautiful face. Her blue eyes had held the type of sadness I'd never wanted to see in them. Those blue eyes that shined brightly with excitement and happiness, dimmed all because of the piece of shit.

It confused me why she was pretending like nothing had happened, and I couldn't fathom why she didn't want him to pay for what he'd done. Where the hell was my Nissa? My firecracker? My minx? The Nissa who took no prisoners?

I stopped abruptly in the middle of the hall, before turning back around and reaching her door in a few steps. I was a fucking idiot, I really was. I shouldn't have walked away from her, I never should have left her alone.

I'd never been a situation where someone I loved had been physically abused, but my sister and I had been mentally abused -with me experiencing physical abuse as well from my own father- by our parents our entire life,  and I should have known that she would lash out and retreat into herself.

I'd pushed people away my entire life, and all I really wanted was for someone to fight me on that, and just stay. And I'd done to her exactly what I'd wished people would stop doing to me. I hope she could forgive me for that.

Walking into her living room, I felt my heart break in my chest, my stomach hollowing out. She was sitting on her couch, her legs pulled up, and her arms wrapped around them, her chin resting on her bent knees. She was staring at the black screen TV, her eyes unfocused.

God, I was going to kill the piece of shit. I'd never seen Nissa like this, and I was furious that the son of a bitch could put her in this state with just one visit.

Moving over towards her, I sat on the edge of the coffee table in front of her, and wrapped my fingers around her ankles, leaning forward so I could be closer to her. "You okay?"

Her eyes shifted to me then, blank and dull. I'd never wanted to see those beautiful eyes like that, and it was tearing me up inside to see it now; not being able to do anything about it. But I was going to try even if it killed me. I'd do anything to make her feel safe again.

She nodded, wrapping her arms around her legs, tighter, her eyes falling to the floor.

I moved to her, cupping her head and pressing my lips to her forehead. "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Whatever you want to do, I'm behind you one hundred percent."

Her eyes found mine, and unwrapping her arms, she wrapped them around my neck instead, and her legs around my waist. Putting my arms around her, I hugged her tightly, trying to give her the comfort she was searching for, and sank into her couch.

"I have to tell you something," she muttered against my neck, softly, her fingers lightly trailing the hollow of my neck, and up over my Adam's apple.

"What's that?" I mumbled, playing with a lock of her blonde hair.

"I've been helping an FBI detective," she replied, and my brow crinkled in confusion.

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