The Chick is a Goddamm Lunatic

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Standing at Jeff's door, duffle bag slung over my shoulder, patiently waiting for his lazy ass to drag himself out of his bed and open the door for me, I rang his doorbell for what seemed like the hundredth time.

He gave me a bored look when he finally managed to pull the door open, looking like he just rolled out of a barn. I rolled my eyes, pushed past him and dropped my duffle bag at the edge of the hallway, and turned towards him.

"You mind if I crash here for a few days?"

"Uh, sure, why not?" he replied around a yawn, "something wrong with your place?"

I shook my head, following him into the living room and plopping down into one of his many bean bags, stretching my legs out in front of me. "No, I just need some time off."

"Off of what? Sitting on your ass stuffing your face with junk food? Because that is literally all you do all day; I have no idea how you're doing so well in your classes," he replied, snorting, and grabbing the remote, he turned the tv on, flipping through the channels.

"You're an idiot with no motor skills, of course you're still clueless as to how I ace my classes," I replied, rolling my eyes when he continued to flip through the channels, never even stopping for a second to actually see what was playing on the screen. "Holy fuck, will just choose a channel?"

"Don't you see there is nothing good on?" he replied, throwing me a glare, before returning his attention to his tv.

"No, you shithead, I don't see. I don't see because you're flipping through channels like you flip through STDs," I rolled my eyes, and he flipped me off, finally deciding to settle on a cooking show, making me shake my head.

"So...This little vacation of yours have something to do with the heavy make out session you and Nissa had at your party the other night?"

I turned to give him a look, my brows lowering, and he shrugged.

"Don't even look at me like that, you two were basically dry humping in the middle of a party," he replied, smirking. "You gave those kids a show."

I rolled my eyes, "You're disgusting."

"Yeah, and the sky is blue," he shrugged, "You still didn't answer my question."

I sighed, raking my hand through my hair, scratching the back of my neck. "No, it has nothing to do with that."

"Have you ever slept since then? You look like shit," he stated, staring at me in scrutiny and I flipped him off.

"Nissa's been staying over lately," I told him, expecting that to explain everything, but I tended to forget Jeff was a moron.

"Alright, that's more like it," he smirked, reaching out his closed fist for me to fist bump him, and I gave him an unimpressed look.

"God, you're slow. Nissa has been sleeping over, you dimwit, she's been sleeping in the same bed as me," I slowly replied, waiting for him to catch on, shaking my head when he sat up, his eyes going wide, his stupid brain finally putting everything together.

"Oh shit," he mumbled.

"Yeah, oh shit is right," I mumbled, letting my head rest on the back of the bean bag, my eyes fixed on a speck of dirt on his white ceiling.

Did the little shit ever clean his goddamn apartment? How long had that piece if dirt been up there?

"I had an episode last night," I told him, and I heard his sharp intake of breath, and I knew without looking at him that he was staring at me, worriedly.

Jeff was the only person outside of my family who knew the details of what had happened my senior year of high school. He knew about the way I'd screwed up, fucked over my family, and gotten away with it because of my last name.

Lessons In Revenge (Daredevil Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora