Is this blackmail, slut?

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"Austin, wake up." At first I thought I was dreaming, it wouldn't be the first time I'd dreamt about Nissa, so I thought nothing of it. Most nights I had dreams of her I wished I hadn't, but some nights I dreamt of kissing her and holding her in my arms. Those were the dreams I liked.

But as I continued to be shaken and her voice kept telling me to wake up, I realized she was actually in my room trying to jolt me awake, and my instincts to protect her immediately kicked in, making me jump up into a sitting position in my bed, my eyes skidding around the room.

"Woah, hey, relax, it's just me." I heard Nissa vaguely say next to my bed, and turning towards the sound of her voice, I tried to focus, my eyes seeking her out in the dark room.

When my eyes found her silhouette, I checked her over to make sure she was unharmed, and finding no evidence that she was in any type of danger, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Nissa, what the hell?" I muttered, rubbing my hand down my face, tiredly.

"I can't sleep," she replied, pouting, and if I wasn't so tired I would think that was incredibly adorable.

"But I can, so good night," I replied, moving to stretch back out on my bed and go back to sleep, when she pulled on my arm, stopping me.

"No, come on, please? Please, please, please?"

"I’m sleepy," I whined, trying to get out of her grip so I could grab my pillow.

"I've been trying to fall asleep for three hours, and it's partly your fault that I can't," she replied, accusingly, and I shot her a bored look, my eyelids growing heavier by the minute.

"How exactly is that partly my fault?" I mumbled, sleepily, my body starting to sway towards the soft bed when my eyes fluttered shut.

Cupping my face in her hands, she gripped clumps of my hair and pulled, making my eyes snap open with a glare. "It's partly your fault because you took me to the damn party and let me have all that champagne, which you know gets me all wired and keeps me awake. So fix it."

Groaning, I wrapped my arms around her knees, and hoisted her over my shoulder, standing up and heading out of my room. "Fine, but once you've had your hot cocoa, you get your ass to sleep and let me go back to my wet dream."

"Oh gross, eww," she replied, slapping my ass, and I couldn't help but smile as I made my way through the dimly lit hallway of my apartment, towards the kitchen.

Once I made it to the kitchen, I flicked the light switch on and sat her cute little ass on the kitchen counter before getting to work on her hot cocoa.

Being awakened at odd hours of the night by Nissa insisting that I make her her special hot cocoa, wasn't something that surprised me any more. She was a stubborn little minx and I could never say no to her. Once she'd found out I was a master at making hot cocoa, she'd latched onto that and demanded I make it for her whenever she couldn't sleep. It was the only thing that could get her to shut up and go to bed.

I actually didn't mind getting up and doing this for her, since I ate at her place almost every day and even though she complained, the fact that she cooked enough food to feed an army every day made it pretty clear that she only complained because she loved giving me shit. So doing this for her was a small way to repay her for that.

"Don't forget the tiny marshmallows," she spoke up after sitting quietly for a lot longer than I expected her to, trying desperately to see over my shoulder as I stirred the hot liquid in the cup.

"Have I ever?" I replied, sarcastically, shooting her a look over my shoulder, and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't be cocky, numbnuts," she answered, swinging her long legs back and forth, making my eyes travel down towards them, and for the first time that night I realized that she was only wearing my old hoodie she'd stolen that night, leaving her gorgeous legs exposed.

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