I am a damn great catch

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Nissa’s POV

"Okay, so what are the rules?" Jeff asked, impatiently.

We had moved from the kitchen to my living room where we were currently sitting, a plate of food in each of our hands. Jeff had been waiting for me to finish telling him how Austin and I had come up with our revenge plan for Noah, which had been interrupted by me sending Austin over to his apartment to get three more beers for dinner. Once he'd returned we'd been distracted with grabbing our plates of food and heading to the living room where the game was on. Now that we were done and the game was almost over, Jeff had turned towards me, expectantly.

I stretched with a yawn before turning to the lazy bastard sprawled out on the couch next to my chair. "Your turn."

I watched his eyes slowly open before lifting to stare at me through his lashes. "I'm too tired and you tell it so well."

"Tired of what? You have done absolutely nothing this entire time," I spat back with a growl, and he sighed with a dramatic pout.

"I had to walk all the way to my apartment to get you a beer, I'm exhausted," the bastard had the audacity to say.

"Your apartment, asshole, is literally ten steps away from my mine," I replied, sarcastically, rolling my eyes. He groaned, flipped me off, and snuggled further into the couch.

"So ungrateful this one. She drinks my beers, never says thanks and then calls me lazy," he muttered to himself, and I fought the urge to slap him over the head.

"You know, if I wasn't so full, I'd kick your sorry ass out of my apartment," I replied, glaring his way.

"No, you wouldn't, you love me too much," he answered, grinning, way too pleased with himself. Rolling my eyes, I turned to Jeff and smiled at him sweetly.

"Jeff, did you know that Austin liked eating dog food when he was a kid?" I fought a satisfied smile when the bastard sprawled on my couch bolted up, a gasp on his lips.

Turning to me with eyes filled with the sting of betrayal, he brought a hand to his chest. "You said you would never tell anyone."

I smirked. Serves him well, the jerk. "Whoops."
"Whoops? That's all you have to say for yourself?" He replied, a scowl on his face. "The betrayal. Oh it stings. How could you, pumpkin?"

"You're such a drama queen, you know that, right?" I rolled my eyes, and he gasped, dramatically.

"Do you enjoy hurting me like this, you psychopath?" He grumbled, and moved off the couch, heading in the kitchen’s direction, throwing me a glare on his way there.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at his back, childishly. Bastard.

"You two realize you're in love with each other, right?" Jeff piped in, just as Austin made his way back to the living room, and we both turned to the idiot with matching looks of disapproval.

"How many times were you dropped on the head, idiot?" Austin asked him, lifting an eyebrow.

"Seriously, your mom must have hated you, you can't be this dumb by nature," I added, staring at him, curiously. That had to be it, right? The guy was definitely an idiot.

"Obviously she did, I mean, he's dumber than a bag of rocks," Austin added, wrinkling his nose and shaking his head, disappointedly.

"I hate you both," Jeff replied, flipping us off.

"Stop being a drama queen, Jeff, you asked for it," Austin scoffed, slumping down into his abandoned couch.

"Exactly, don't say dumb shit and we won't have to call you out on it," I interjected, nodding. He gave us a look of distaste, rolling his eyes.

Lessons In Revenge (Daredevil Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora