A girl with bigger balls than his

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Nissa's POV

"Yes! That's right, kick his ass!"

"Ah, Nissa, maybe you shouldn't encourage him?" Casey pulled on my arm, trying to get me to sit my ass down in my abandoned seat.

I obliged, and gave her a tiny shrug. "Why not?"

"Uh because he's gonna get his ass kicked into the penalty box..." Ryder replied for her, gesturing towards the rink where Austin was now having a heated argument with the referee, "like that."

I watched as he was sent to the penalty box, unfairly. But like I knew he wouldn't, he didn't leave the ice before socking the referee in the eye, his coach shaking his head, annoyed.  

"Hey, come on! That's not fair! That asshole charged at Dashwood, why isn't he in the penalty box?" I yelled at the dumbass referee standing on the ice, pressing his fingertips to the now reddening spot around his eye, bolting up from my seat once again. The noises that came from the crowd were of a mixed reaction; some grunted, already knowing that I did this every game, and were starting to get tired of it, and some hooted in agreement.

"I'll advise you to sit down, ma'am," the asshole referee had the audacity to skate up to the edge of the rink and yell, the expression on his face making it clear that he was not going to argue with me tonight, and that I should just shut up. Same expression every game. Never worked.

We did this every damn game. He threw Austin in the penalty box for an infraction he hadn't committed, I yelled at him from the stands for it, and he backed down like the damn coward he was. Rinse, wash and repeat.

"You know throwing him in the penalty box is bullshit, Hank," I yelled back, glaring at the idiot, and he gave me a pleading look, his bravado starting to break.

"Can you please just let this one go?"

"Can you please man the fuck up?" I replied, widening my eyes at him, and he sighed.

"Nissa, please just let it go for once, yeah? Can we just have a peaceful game? Just one, that's all I'm asking," he pleaded, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger.

"We will when you stop sending our best player to the fucking penalty box, because these assholes can't play for shit," I replied, planting my arms on my hips and shooting the opposing team, who were now standing around the ice watching the exchange, a look. "No offense."

"Offense taken," one of the players shouted, and I rolled my eyes.

"Nissa, I'll advise you for the hundredth time to please sit down or I'll have to call security," he replied, giving me a tired look.

"And I'll advise you to shove your fucking advise up your ass," I shouted back, flipping him off.

"Nissa, please sit down; you're gonna get us kicked out," Casey pleaded, grabbing onto my arm and pulling on it, trying to get me to sit back down, "again."

I glanced at the penalty box, shaking my head when the idiot sitting in it, stared up at me with a huge grin on his face, winking. I flipped him off, and sat my ass back down, swallowing the really good insults I was ready to serve to the stupid referee.

I had nothing against Hank outside of the rink, he was actually a pretty cool guy, but when it came to the rink, he was an idiot. Not only was Austin the best player on the team, but he actually knew what the hell he was doing, unlike the opposing team who for some reason didn't seem to not shit about how to play hockey.

Hank had always had an issue with Austin, albeit Austin had punched him more times than I could count on my two hands, but Hank always took it a step further by kicking him into the penalty box, when he really didn't deserve it.

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