Anus stretched out to maximum capability

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Austin's POV

"What is wrong with you?!" The little vixen, standing next to me, growled as I slammed the door shut on the pizza delivery guy's face.

Nonchalantly heading to the kitchen with the pizza that now belonged to me, I flipped the box open, and grabbed a slice. "What do you mean what's wrong with me? How about a thank you, Austin? You're so generous, Austin?"

"Thanks for what?" She gritted out, impatiently, an adorable scowl on her face, her hands planted firmly on her hips. God, she was adorable.

"Oh, I don't know, thanks for saving my ass from having to listen to that boring idiot drone on and on about life in his mother's basement?" I replied, calmly chewing on the delicious pepperoni pizza. I knew I was treading on dangerous waters, but riling Nissa up was one of my favorite things to do, even if it meant that my balls would end up strung around my neck.

"It's just temporary, okay? They're fumigating his apartment," she growled, stubbornly, her hands coiling into small fists. I fought the urge to laugh, it was adorable how hard she tried to be menacing.

"Right, and I can grow weed out of my ass," I replied, and she lifted and eyebrow, making me rethink that. "How awesome would that be?"

"Yeah, I know, right? We would be rich!" She agreed, and I scoffed.

"Why would you be rich? I'm the one growing the weed out of my ass," I reminded her, giving her a indignant look and she snorted. “I'm the one whose anus is going to be stretched out to maximum capability.”

"Please, you would drown without me. Yes, you'd be the one growing the shit, but you definitely wouldn't be smart enough to make money off of it," she retorted and I gasped.

"I would too," I argued, with a putout pout and she rolled her eyes.

"I told you already that your face is not made for pouts, it's made for brooding," she said and I definitely took offense to that. My face was made for anything I wanted it to be made for, and damn it, it was made for pouts. "He could have been the love of my life, you know?"

I gave her a puzzled look and she took the opportunity to snatch the pizza box out of my hands, and headed towards her living room. I chased after her, slumping down on the sofa and grabbing the box back.

"Are we still talking about the loser who delivered my pizza?" I asked, grabbing another slice from the box. Slapping the back of my hand, she snatched the box back.

"I paid for this, which makes it mine, asshole. And he wasn't a loser," she replied, scowling, and munching on her slice of pizza.

"Yes, he was, and he was not the love of your life."

She scoffed. "You wouldn't know that."

I nodded, disagreeing. "Yes, I would."

"No, you wouldn't," she fought back.

"Nissa, you would have emotionally broken that poor idiot in a week," I snorted. "He wouldn't be able to handle all of your crazy."

"I am not crazy," she glared, cutely, and forcefully bit into another slice of pizza. Snatching it from her hands, I took a huge bite before she took it back, pinching my forearm.

"Ow, stop pinching me, you psychopath," I pouted. "And yes you are."

"I am not crazy," she gritted out, enunciating each word slowly, and I rolled my eyes.

"This coming from the girl who set my fucking piano on fire because I told her that her tragic hair dye made her look like a drug addict," I replied, sarcastically, and she pulled her lips into her mouth, her eyes shifting away from me, guiltily.

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