Need some human pee, you say?

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Nissa's POV

"Walk louder, why don't you?" I whispered with a growl, creeping along the wall of Noah's apartment. Tonight was the night that we were starting the prank, and after Austin had picked Noah's lock, - still didn't know why and how he knew how to do that, - we were quietly walking towards his slightly open bedroom door. Except Austin was being loud as hell and getting on my last nerve.

"You do realize that I am a six-foot five male, who weighs a hundred and eighty pounds, trying to tiptoe around a small ass apartment with creaking boards, right?" he growled in what I assume he thought was a whisper.

"Why don't you say that a little louder; I don't think the children in China heard you!" I whispered with a hiss and I could almost see him glare at the back of my head. I inched a little closer to Noah's door, nervously. If we woke him up, my revenge would not work.

"Oh sorry, let me try that again. China, of course, was my main concern!" I heard Austin loudly whisper behind me and I swung around to throw him a glare, his smirk making me glare harder. The bastard. He'd been goading me the entire time. "You know, I do love these passionate, heated arguments of ours."

"I will bury you alive," I replied and placed a finger over my lips with an angry 'shh'. He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows, his eyes fixed on the finger on my lips. I snatched my finger away and slapped that same hand across his stomach, immediately regretting that action when instead of causing any damage to him, my arm felt like I had slapped it against concrete, making me wince and hold it against my stomach with a pout.

"Did you just try to feel me up, Nissa? I feel so violated. At least buy me dinner first so I don't feel like a cheap whore," the drama queen pouted, looking utterly ridiculous. Those cheekbones were not made to pout. I snorted at that and he squinted his eyes suspiciously.

"Can we just do this already?" I whispered and motioned for him to follow me into Noah's room. I quietly opened the door to my ex's room. His room was dark, other than the night light on his desk.

Oh, wow, I forgot. He couldn't sleep without a night light.

"Is that a night light? Oh, Nissa. What were you thinking?" Austin whispered with a snort, and I threw him a scowl.

My eyes traveled over to Noah's bed and I felt a sneer make its way onto my face. He was lying on his bed, a blanket thrown over the lower part of his body, one leg peeking out. His arms were wrapped tightly around his pillow, his long black hair, falling over the white pillowcase. I wanted to smash his face against his headboard. It's not like he didn't deserve it. He deserved that and more.

His room was as messy as I remembered it, and I couldn't help but shake my head. How had I not seen the red flags? The guy was a hot mess.

My eyes widened as Austin walked over to his night stand, and picked up the blue night light, immediately holding his stomach as he doubled over in silent laughter. I waved my arms frantically trying to get his attention, but he was too busy laughing to notice.

Looking around the room for something to throw at him, my eyes fell on the balled-up socks on the floor. Picking them up, I stood up and threw them as hard as I could in Austin's direction. Apparently it wasn't hard enough, landing right next to him. It was, however, enough to get his attention. He turned towards me and gave me an unimpressed look before looking down at the crumpled socks near his feet, shaking his head.

"Put the pee on the the way, I meant to ask, where the hell did you get pee from? That's not yours is it?" I asked with disgust and he rolled his eyes.

"I have a guy," he whispered back with a nonchalant shrug.

"For pee? You have a guy that supplies you with pee? Why the hell would you need a pee supplier?" I asked, incredulous.

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