Cute Little Demon Babies

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It had been sudden, I hadn't expected it at all. It was such a small gesture, and it was stupid that I was making such a big deal of it in my head, but I couldn't help myself. I really couldn't help myself when it came to her. I became a shy, blubbering idiot with her, and her small hand slipping into mine as we made our way through the crowded airport to baggage claim, made my heart skip a beat before erratically pounding in my chest.

Slipping my fingers through hers, I schooled my features, reminding myself to calm the fuck down, before I scared her with the big ass grin that threatened to take over my face.

"Oh no." I heard her say under her breath, her hold on my hand tightening before her other hand grasped my forearm as she scowled.

Turning to her, I gave her a question look, the look of horror and embarrassment on her face, scaring me for a second, before I followed her line of vision.

I tried so hard to hold in my snort, but they weren't making it easy. They really weren't. I wasn't surprised, really, this was after all my little demon's family. It took a special kind of family to spawn her.

They were all standing in the middle of the crowded airport, large, colorful signs raised high in the air. It wasn't the signs that were making my girlfriend's -should probably run that through her before using that word, even in my head, but how could I help myself?- cheeks redden, no, it was what was written on them.

'We knew you would eventually bone him.'

'Hooray, you're not going to die alone.'

'You mean she's not gay? Well that's disappointing.'

'Nissa Evans and Austin Dashwood...sitting in a tree...that is rocking...hard!'

'I want ten grandkids. I don't care what positions you have to use to get them. Just get 'er done.'

People walking around them, stared, some snorted, and some shook their heads, annoyed. It really was a sight to behold. The expensive clothes and jewelry stood out like a sore thumb, making their spectacle even more ridiculous.

People expected a family like the Evan's to behave with tact and grace. They didn't. It was one of the things I'd always envied about their family as a child; as much money as they had, the richer they got, the same they remained. Money had never been the mean priority to them, something my family would never be able to relate to.

Sure, they oozed money wherever they went, you really couldn't miss it with the private jets, and expensive cars, but when they exited those luxury vehicles they really weren't what you expected.

Nissa's mom had always been my favorite one of the clan, much to my family's dismay. She didn't come from old money, but rather married into it. And even though my family found it distasteful that John Evan's had married a 'poor' woman instead of someone of his own caliber, there was no denying that she wasn't just a great mother, but she'd made his company grow.

I think that's what had irked my family the most, the fact that a middle class woman, with a college degree that wasn't from an ivy league, had helped surpasse their own company.

"Oh my God, I am going to kill them, one by one," nissa hissed next to me.

I snorted. "How are you even surprised by this? I spent little to no time with your parents and this doesn't surprise me in the least," I replied, unable to help the giddy grin on my face.

She growled, tightening her grip on my forearm, warningly, as we finally reached her family.

"Hey, Cinderella," her mom greeted, gleefully, tossing the colorful sign in her hands to her husband before pulling Nissa into a hug.

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