An appetizer on your plate of crazy

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Everyone at some point in their life will experience a hangover. I don't know if that's a fact, and don't really care to know. Casey would probably know if it was, and I would have to ask some day, but even if it wasn't, I had definitely had enough to last me a lifetime.

Hangovers are like having sex with the most gorgeous man you've ever met, and waking up the next morning to find him fully clothed waiting for you to wake up so he can ask for his money. Congratulations, you've just had sex with a hooker.

Weirdly enough, growing up, I could give a rat's ass about hangovers. They were a repercussion for a good night, and I was always up for a good night. But once I moved next to Austin that completely changed.

I soon realized that the reason that I didn't care about getting a hangover the next morning after one too many drinks the night before, was because I didn't live next to an obnoxious, loud, annoying asshat who knew damn well I would be nursing a hangover, and his stupid video game was way too damn loud.

Growling, I pulled my pillow over my ears, desperately trying to drown out the sounds coming from the apartment next to mine. I knew it was a futile attempt, there was no drowning Austin out, the boy was loud and obnoxious, and demanded to be heard, but it didn't stop me from trying.

Any other day I would ignore it, and try my best to fall asleep again, but this time, I was not in the mood to put all of my limited energy into trying to fall back asleep. So, instead of wallowing in my bed and wondering what force out there I pissed off to have to endure living next to the idiot, I got up.

Stomping out of my room, on a mission, I growled when I tripped on my own two feet, grabbing onto the nearest thing in the hallway which just happened to be a table with a vase filled with water and roses. I fought the urge to cry as I hit the floor with a loud thud, the table crashing down with me; the contents of the vase spilling out and landing right on me.

Blinking back the tears pricking my eyes, I growled. Why the hell was I crying? It wasn't that big of a deal, I tripped or bumped into shit all the time. So why the hell was this making me cry?

Unfortunately for me, the noise coming from the asshole's apartment seemed to get louder, making the pounding in my head seem almost erratic. With each thump of the sounds from his stupid game, the frustration slowly building in me spilled out in the form of tears. Before I knew what was happening, I was full on crying.

Picking myself up off the ground, and fighting the sobs that were desperately clawing at my throat, trying to get out, when my eyes landed on the mess I'd made, I stumbled over to the front door.

I made my way to Austin's apartment, and throwing the door open, I briskly walked into his living room, never glancing his and Jeff's way as I made myself over to his sound system, and ripped the plug out of the outlet.

With tears streaming down my face, I turned around and headed back to my apartment without a word to either of them, and sighed with relief as silence followed behind me.

As the anger dissipated, I finally realized why something so small had set off the waterworks, and I tried not to burst into a fresh batch of tears. My time of the month had decided to arrive and torture me on the same morning I woke up with the devil of hangovers. Go figure.

Crawling back into my bed, I pulled the comforter up to my chin and curled up into a ball, sniffling.

"Nissa?" I heard Austin's voice over my sniffles, and I buried my face into my pillow, squeezing my eyes shut and praying that he would just leave me alone. But this was Austin, and I should have known better. "Hey, pumpkin, why are you crying?"

I bit down on my lip to stop the sob that racked through my body at his soft voice. God, why did he have to be nice now? I couldn't handle that now. I needed him to be an ass.

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