You Are Such a Nerd

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Nissa's POV


Are you freaking kidding me? They were at it again? God, they'd just been at it a few hours ago.

"Oh my fucking god," Casey moaned, the sound of her hand slapping against the wall, filtering through the apartment.


Oh dear god, please make it stop.

"Yes, yes, yes," I heard my best friend shout, my eyes going wide and hands flying to cover my ears.

Oh god, why? How did they even forget I was in the same vicinity as them? I knew those two could get pretty hot and heavy, but dear god, I'd never actually had to hear them go at it.

My poor ears; I was gonna have to pour bleach in them, burn them off and toss them in a landfill. No one should ever have to hear their best friend having sex. Absolutely no one.

When the squeaking of bedsprings started getting louder, the dinosaur noises that I'd told them to keep the fuck down getting to the point of absolutely no return, I bolted out of bed, my feet getting trapped in the sheet.

"Ow," I mumbled with a wince, hitting the floor with a soft thud, and throwing a glare at the wall between my room and the guest room.

Pulling myself off the floor, I stumbled out of my room, almost tripping four times in my rush to get out of my apartment before they could get even louder, like they had a few hours earlier and just like I had before I let myself into Austin's apartment and headed straight to his room.

Leaning against his headboard, book in hand and glasses on his gorgeous face, his eyes lifted towards me as I swung his bedroom door open, and I pulled my lip between my teeth. Fuck, had he always been that hot?

I dragged my feet over to his bed, climbing in, and plopping myself right on top of him.

"Are they at it again?" He mumbled, one of his hands cupping my head so he could press his lips to the crown, before returning to his book, and I nodded.

"They're like fucking rabbits," I muttered, "I mean, I love them, but I also hate them."

He chuckled, running his fingers through my hair and scratching my scalp lightly, making me hum. "What are you reading?"

"American Gods," he replied, and I smiled, looking up at him, and feeling my eyes on him, his eyes met mine.

"You are such a nerd," I told him, taking his reading glasses off, and putting them on my own face, immediately regretting that decision. "Ow, what the fuck? How are you not tripping over shit without these?"

He chuckled, taking his glasses back and putting them back on, "That's what contacts are for, you nut job."

"Does that mean that when you're not wearing glasses or contacts, I can put poison in your coffee and you'd be none the wiser?" I asked, quietly, my lids starting to grow heavy as he continued to run his fingers through my hair, and I could almost see him rolling his eyes.

"How do you know I haven't been poisoning that hot cocoa you love so much?" He replied, absentmindedly, and I gasped, slapping his chest.

"You wouldn't dare," I mumbled, my eyes fluttering shut, his steady heartbeat under me, and his fingers stroking my hair, making me drowsy.

"You wouldn't even know," he replied, "I could slowly be killing you."

"So that's how you would do it?" I mumbled, softly, not wanting to break the little bubble that somehow we'd managed to create around us, even as we talked about murdering each other.

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