Chapter 1

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( the outfit at the top of this page is what Ariana is wearing through out this chapter. Other than when she's in prison.)

Two Years Later.
I heard the commotion outside my door, I stood up and heard the doors open. I ran out of my cell and towards the door, Braga already standing there. I didn't look behind me and jumped on a guard's back and took him down. He tried to fight back but I wouldn't let him, Braga took down two of the other guards and then we were out of there. We were in the parking lot when I saw it, a 1970 Dodge Charger R/T. Looked like the one my dad drove, I ran towards it and found it was unlocked.
I jumped inside and told Braga to get in, he got in and we were on the road in no time. I found it very hard for me to drive the car, only because it's been two years since I drove a car.

Dom's POV
Sean had called me a few hours ago saying he and Twinkie needed our help. I was in mine and Letty's room when Letty walked in talking to someone on the phone. I overheard some of the conversation.
   "What do you mean she escaped? The cops said she wouldn't be able to do that!?" I heard that one line and walked over to Letty putting my ear up to the phone.
   "Listen I understand that's what LAPD said but she and another inmate escaped." I frowned, and knew that he was talking about my little girl.
   "Okay, so what do you want us to do. We can't possibly know where she is." Letty said back to the guy, I would only think she would go to Rio. she always said she'd run away to Rio.
   "She took a 1970 Dodge Charger R/T that a guard drives." I pulled my ear away from the phone, that's the kind of car I drive. I turned around and walked out the bedroom door, I decided to call Brian.
   "Hello?" His voice groggy, I smiled. Anytime I called my sister's house he always answered groggy.
   "Baby keep you up again?" I asked and he chuckled, Brian and Mia had had another baby just a few months ago. A baby boy named Shawn, another O'Connor baby.
   "Yeah, Shawn doesn't like to sleep." he said it and I chuckled, I always knew he would make a great father.
   "Why'd you call Dom?" He asked the grogginess in his voice gone.
   "Ariana escaped." Was all I had to say and he answered back.
   "I'll call Cameron, he probably knows where she is." he said it and my inner bitch came out.
   "I don't want him to be involved. He's the one who put her in that place."
   "Dom, we need his help. Just allow him in this once, just like you did with me when we caught Braga." I told him fine and hung up.

Ariana's POV
    I walked out of the airport and the cold air of Japan hit me. Braga flew back out to Brazil, I told him he could do whatever he wanted. I saw Sean and Twinkie and ran up to them, Twinkie hugged me first then Sean. They looked at me, I knew they were probably weirded out.
   "I'm 18 now guys." I said and they both looked me in eye.
   "Dang! Last time I saw you you were 16." Twinkie said, I smiled and grabbed my bag I had dropped when I hugged Sean.
   "So what brings you to Tokyo?" Sean asked, I shrugged. I couldn't tell them the real reason I was in Japan.
   "Needed a break from Los Angeles. Mom and Dad said it was fine." I looked around and noticed Sean's car. It stood out from the others.
   "Okay, we were just going to head out to the race Sean's doing tonight." Twink said it, I looked at him and smirked.
   "Do you mind if I join?" I asked it and they looked at each other then back at me. They nodded.

We showed up at the race and people were surrounding Sean, Neela walked up and grabbed Sean's hand. I felt my heart drop, I only now realized I still loved Cameron. I looked away from them and saw a guy staring at me. He looked to be around Sean's age. Late twenties to early thirties, he eyed me and smirked. I left the three I was walking with and walked towards him.
     He smiled as I got closer to him, he lifted himself off the hood of the car he was on. When I was closer to him, I saw he had these brown eyes you could get lost in. It made me think of Cameron's blue ones, I smiled as I got closer to this guy.
   "What's your name hottie?" He asked, I blushed and looked him in the eye.
   "Ariana Toretto." He smirked and grabbed my waist, I looked at his face and the memories came back.
   "My name is DK or Takashi." He said it and I knew who he was. This guy was the original DK, him and Sean raced to see who would be Drift King.
   "Nice, so what brings you to the DK's race tonight?" I asked and he shrugged.
   "Sean and I are on better terms now, I race every other night though." He said that and I was drawn in.

Cameron's POV
   I heard my phone go off, I rolled over in my bed and searched my bedside table for my phone. I found it and answered the call.
   "Hello?" I asked kind of angry.
   "Now is that anyway to treat your Uncle?" I heard Brian's voice on the other end.
   "I'm sorry, you woke me up." I said and checked my clock, 12 in the afternoon.
   "Cameron, we need your help." I heard him say that and instantly woke up.
   "What for?" I asked kind've interested in what Brian had for me.
   "Ariana escaped prison, but that's not why. We're all going out to Tokyo to help Sean and Twinkie." He said she escaped, but how she was watched 24/7 all day everyday.
   "I'll help. When do we leave?" he hesitated for a bit.
   "Tomorrow." He said it and hung up, I jumped out of bed and looked around at my Los Angeles apartment, I needed to pack. I grabbed whatever I need to take with my, outfits and shoes. I had everything packed and in the living room when the thoughts started. How did I put the girl I'm madly in love with in prison. I groaned and fell back onto the couch.
     I laid there for a good ten minutes before I got up and went to the kitchen, I hadn't eaten much since I put my last person in prison. Ariana had tried to attack me, along with some other guy. I leaned against the counter and put my head in my hands, I just stood there and cried. I couldn't believe I cried, I mean at least I got to see my family. Jack and Taylor had their little one just a month ago, Miss Gabrielle O'Connor, she was a hoot.
   Shawn Peter O'Connor, Brian and Mia's newest addition, was also a hoot. He was always awake and enjoying life, Ariana had never even met her niece or her new cousin. And it was all my fault. I looked up from my now very wet hands and looked around my kitchen, this would be the last time I'd see it for God knows how long. I walked back to the living room and grabbed my bags, I picked up my car keys and headed out to my car.
     I opened the trunk, and threw my bags in there. I opened the driver's side and hopped in, I knew Brian said we were leaving tomorrow but I needed to go somewhere. I pulled out of the parking garage and looked at the streets ahead of me, I knew the streets of Los Angeles pretty well. I pulled out onto the busy highway and turned left, I knew the way to Jack and Taylor's house pretty well. I turned the radio on only to hear about the prison breakouts.
   "We have two escapees, their names are unknown at this time... Oh, I just got word that we have their names. Ariana Toretto and a man named Braga." I felt my veins go cold, Braga was the man who had tried to attack me after Ariana. And he wanted to kill Brian, this man was on the loose. I pulled into Jack's driveway and saw him outside working on his car, Taylor was out on the front lawn with Gabrielle.
   "I mean, this is what a perfect family looks like." I said making Taylor look up and smile, Jack walked up to me and bro hugged me.
   "You coming with me tomorrow?" Jack asked, I nodded and looked at Taylor and Gabrielle.
   "So how's she doing?" I asked, Taylor looked at Gabrielle and looked back at me.
   "She's doing good. But you two listen to me, please come back safely." I looked at Jack and we both nodded our heads.
   "Good, I couldn't raise a child on my own." I laughed and Jack looked "hurt". I laughed even harder by his action. He looked at me and laughed with me.

Letty's POV
     I grabbed my bags and was out the door, Dom was already in the car. I threw my bags in the backseat, we backed out the driveway and headed towards the airport. We parked and saw everyone else was already here, I noticed Cameron was here.
   "Dom, why is he here?" I asked and he looked at Cameron, his eye showed anger.
   "Brian wanted him to come. I told him just this once." He looked me in the eye and I nodded.

Ariana's POV
   Takashi and I had been seeing each other for the past two weeks, Sean and Twinkie were fine with it. I liked being with Takashi, he was cool and taught me how to drift. I raced Sean and actually won, so people started calling me the drift queen. I was fine with it and Sean laughed every time someone called us king and queen.
   I watched as Sean and Neela walked around looking at the cars hand in hand. I grabbed Takashi's hand, he stood up off the car he was leaning on and we walked over to the bar. I was pretty use to alcohol by now, I asked for a Corona. They handed me one, I took a long swig from it. Takashi looked at me and smirked, I slapped his arm and told him to be quiet. I said I had to go to the bathroom and I'd be right back.
     I came back and Takashi wasn't where I had left him, I walked up to one of his guys and asked where he had went, he pointed towards a group of people. I noticed blonde hair, then I saw two black men standing next to a bald guy. I gasped, I knew who these people were.
                     My Family.

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