Chapter 19

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"Vince put that down!" I yelled at my son, he held up a car and ran over to me. At a year old he was always on the run, I smiled as he handed me a charger. A Toretto family favorite, I kissed his forehead and sat the car on the counter.
"I guess he likes Dodge's too?" I heard Taylor's voice say from the Ipad I had sitting in front of me. I chuckled.
"Yeah, he also like Skyline's. An O'Connor favorite." I said, she smiled and nodded her head. FaceTiming my best friend always made me feel better.
"At least he likes cars. Gabrielle wants nothing to do with them. Whenever Jack comes home she hides behind the couch until he gets out of the car." I heard Vince squeal, I looked over at him and he had to cars flying off of the coffee table.
"She'll get over it, she is like her mommy." I said looking at Taylor again, she frowned.
"Hopefully that kid turns out nothing like it's daddy. And if it turns out like you we're all screwed." I laughed, Vince looked at me. I laughed even harder, he ran over to me and held his hands up. Which meant he wanted to be picked up.
"Well looks like Uncle Jack's home, I'll see you guys later." We waved goodbye to Taylor and I picked up Vince and kissed his cheek he giggled. I grabbed his diaper bag, he knew it meant it was time to go bye-bye. He started crying until I let him down, he ran over to the kitchen and grabbed his Charger off the counter. I sighed and he ran back over to his mommy, his arms held above his head. I picked him up and grabbed my keys, and we were out the door.

I had dropped Vince off with Neela and headed out to the race I had tonight. It had been almost a month since I raced. I showed up and people were cheering, I smiled. These people were like family since my family wasn't here, I saw Sean talking to someone that wasn't Twinkie. I noticed there was more than person, I saw the back of my dad. I ran up and hugged him from behind, he stumbled forward a little but he regained his balance he turned around and looked me in the eye.
"Baby, I missed you." He said it and I smiled. I guess while being a parent I never realized how much I loved mine.
"Daddy, I missed you too." I said into his shoulder, I felt someone join the hug. I looked up and saw my brother, I turned around so that I could hug him too. A third person joined the circle, I felt my mom's hand touch my side. I was happy about my parents and brother being here, I smiled.
"Well, family reunions are so beautiful but I think she needs to tell you guys something." I heard the familiar voice of Hobbs, I let go of my brother and parents. I looked at him and looked at my family. No more secrets.
"I have a son. He's a year old, it's Cameron's son. I didn't know I was pregnant until everybody left Japan." I said it and Brian smiled. Mom and Dad looked at each other and then at me.
"Hobbs told us, I thought you didn't want anybody to know so we didn't tell anybody." Mom said, I smiled.
"I still don't want anybody to know, I want to keep him our little secret. He likes Chargers, oh he also likes when I tell him how his Uncle Brian and Grandpa met." I said it smiling, dad chuckled.
"Let me guess he has a stuffed animal." He said it and I nodded my head.
"His name is BriBri, after his uncle Brian." Brian looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.
"After this race I'm going to pick him up, if you want to meet him?" I asked, dad and mom smiled. I guess their marriage is back in order.

I walked in my apartment with Vince, he was holding his toy Charger in the air acting like it was flying while we were walking. I opened my door and saw my parents, Hobbs, and Brian all standing in my living room. Vince smiled when he saw Hobbs, I sat him on the ground. He ran towards Hobbs, Hobbs picked him up and started introducing my parents and Brian to Vince.
"What's his name?" I heard mom ask, my mom wasn't around when Vince died. Leon died almost four years ago, I smiled.
"Vince Leon O'Connor." I cringed at the mention of his father's last name, but dad smiled.
"Good choice for the first two names. I think you sh-" I cut him off.
"I'm going to change his last name don't worry." I said, Brian looked at me and walked towards me, he put his hand on my shoulder.
"Good job sis, I'm very proud of you." I put my hand on top of his.
"Thanks, I mean I did a good job of raising a kid on my own." I said, he squeezed my shoulder.
"I mean it." I heard him say, I watched as my parents played with Vince. Mom and dad were actually doing a good job with him, I guess I could go home soon.

Dom's POV
Vince was showing me his toy cars when I heard Taylor's voice. I looked up from my grandson and saw Ariana looking at her phone. I smiled, I guess Taylor knew about the kid too.
"Pawpaw." I heard, I turned around and Vince was pointing to a car that looked a lot like Ariana's before it exploded, I leaned forward and grabbed it. He smiled held his hand out to grab it, I handed it to him.
"Dom, I think we need to get this kid to bed." I heard Letty's voice from behind me, I turned around and saw her. Her long hair falling around her face, she leaned in and picked Vince up. I stood up and kissed his head, and kissed Letty. She smiled when I pulled back.
I walked into the kitchen and heard Jack's voice.
"Dang! Ariana I knew you wanted to move on, but an old man!" I turned around so that Jack could see my face, his face turned red. I heard my children laughing in the background, Jack smiled weakly.
"I am your uncle child. I also can kick your ass." I said, my deep voice making my kids laugh harder.
"I'm sorry Uncle Dom." I heard Jack's voice say from the other side of the screen. Taylor was in the background laughing.
"It's okay. Just don't ever call me old again." I said it and Taylor fell out of her chair laughing.

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