Chapter 17

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I stood next to Jack, we stood outside the diner. Brian and Mia were painting the inside and outside, I guess the way Mia liked it. Considering Dom gave her the diner, and body shop. Mia was yelling at Brian and telling him how to paint the wall, Taylor was chasing Gabrielle around. I noticed she didn't talk to me much after her visit with Ariana.
She saw me looking at her and blushed, she turned and walked away. Jack walked after her, I just stood there and watched my aunt and uncle paint the outside of the diner. I walked home later that night because of the crash, no one gave me permission to drive again. I looked at the road ahead of me and started to get teary eyed, Ariana made no attempt to contact me.
I pulled my phone out and called the one person who I needed the most right now. She was a girl I fooled around with when Ariana was in prison, I scrolled through my contacts and found hers. I called her and told her to meet at my place. When I got home she was at my front door, I smiled and you can only guess what I did with her that night.

(three weeks later.)

I was washing dishes in the diner when Jack walked in, he looked beat.
"What's up man?" I asked, he turned and looked at me.
"Taylor's thinking of leaving me." He said he sat down and laid his head on the table, I dried my hands and patted his shoulder.
"Why's she thinking about leaving you?" I asked, he looked up at me.
"Apparently I cheated. A girl came to our house looking for me, it was a girl I raced a few nights ago and she said she'd like to have someone to work on her car for her. I said I'd do it." His eyes filled with tears, I sat across from him.
"Man, girls are all moody. She'll get over it." I said it, someone walked in behind me.
"My best friend is not moody, just trying to keep her relationship strong." I heard her voice before I saw her face.
"Dang girl! I never thought my sister would come back!" I heard Brian yell from the other side of the kitchen.
"I missed you too Brian, I'm only here for a week though." I turned around and saw the face I had fallen in love with, I jumped up and hugged her after Brian let go. She hugged back, I didn't let go until Mia walked in.
"Dom! Letty! She's home!" Mia said, Dom walked in behind her and saw his daughter. He walked halfway and so did she, they met and hugged.
"Daddy, I'm sorry I didn't come home sooner. I needed to clear some things first." I heard edginess in her voice, I brushed it off.
"Ariana!" I heard the familiar voice of her mother, I started to smile. Letty had been preparing the house for when Ariana got home, she had repainted every room and got all new furniture.
"Mom!" I heard Ariana's voice, she let go of her dad and ran to her mom. Last time I actually saw them hug was in Tokyo after I saw Ariana.
"I knew you'd come home."
"Even if it's only a week." Ariana pulled back from her mother, Letty looked beyond hurt.
"Mom, I've got stuff to do in Tokyo. Like help Sean and Twinkie in making a race war out there. Neela wants to start a babysitting business, I'm helping her start it. I'll be home as soon as I can. I promise." Ariana's voice trailed off.
"Everyone! Let's close the diner and head out to race." I heard Jack say.
"Not everyone has a car to race in Jack." I said it and Ariana looked at me.
"Something happened." I said she nodded her head.
"Well I think that Brian has a few that you could use." I looked at my uncle, he smiled.
"Thanks." I said, he nodded and I chuckled. It felt good to know that the family was whole again.

Ariana was next to me. Dom on the other side, the Brian. I looked at my uncle, he looked so much like my father. I turned and looked at the road in front of us, people surrounded us. I heard go and hit the gas, I was in the lead when Dom hit his Nos. I smirked and seen Brian hit his, Ariana waited till she was right next to me and hit her Nos.

Ariana won.

I parked my car and made my way over to her car, I opened her door for her. She said thanks and hugged me again, where she had stopped wearing heels she was at least a foot shorter than me. I laid my head on her head, she let go and looked up at me. I leaned down and kissed her, she smiled into the kiss. Jack came up to me and pulled me away from Ariana, he told me there was a girl looking for me.

I saw the girl and realized it was the girl I called a few weeks ago, she saw me and shrugged. I walked up to her and she put her hands on my shoulders, I put mine on her waist. I pushed her into an alley, I kissed her. She kissed back, I pushed her against the wall. Dear Lord I'll have to pay for this.


I was the last one to Dom's house, Ariana was on the front porch sitting there. I noticed she had a beer in her hands.
"You know that could get you arrested in America." I said, she looked up and laughed.
"I guess I'm so use to Tokyo that I drink more often. I also sleep in late." I chuckled and sat next to her, she laid her head on my shoulder. I realized I cheated on my girlfriend more than once, I pushed the other girl to the back of my mind. I laid my head on the top her head, we sat like that for at least a few hours. We ended up laying on the steps and falling asleep.

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