Chapter 20

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Dad was talking to Jack about how to help his mom out at the diner. I couldn't help but laugh, Brian and Hobbs were sitting on the couch watching tv. Mom and Neela took Vince to the park, I guess when families around I get to have time away from my kid.
"Jack, listen to me." I heard dad's voice ring from the kitchen. I walked in the kitchen and looked at my dad's phone. Jack had a notepad and a pen, he was writing everything my dad said down. I chuckled and Jack looked up from his notes.
"Uncle Dom, I am. It's your telling me things I already know." Jack sounded frustrated, I smiled. At least my dad frustrates someone other than me.
"Jack? Where you at bro?" I heard Cameron's voice in the background, I froze in my place.
"I'm in here talking to Dom." I heard my cousins say back, I saw Cameron walk in. He froze in his place, I heard the front the door open and looked. Mom and Vince walked in, I walked towards my son. I grabbed him from my mother, I walked to my room. I shut the door and set Vince on the ground. I set my head in my hands and cried, Vince walked up to me and crawled in my lap. I held my son and cried, he looked up at me and kissed my cheek.
Forget his father. He was my main priority.

Dom's POV
"I'm in here talking to Dom." Jack said to Cameron, Cameron walked into the room and froze in his place. I turned in time to see Letty walk in with Vince, Ariana walked towards them and grab Vince. She walked to her room and shut the door.
"I should probably stay outside." Cameron said, Jack looked at me. I nodded my head no.
"You should stay, you need to help your aunt and uncle too." I said, Cameron sat down next to Jack. I heard Ariana crying in her room, I heard her also talking to Vince.
"Uncle Dom? You okay?" I heard Jack ask, I nodded my head. He nodded his and we went on with the conversation.

Letty's POV
I checked on Ariana and Vince after Dom got off the phone with Jack and Cameron. I saw Ariana and Vince cuddled up in her bed, I smiled. I thought of something.
Beginning of Flashback.
I walked in the house and see Dom and Ariana asleep on the couch. I smiled to myself, our newborn daughter and her daddy. I watched at how careful Dom was with her, he moved so that he was lying on his back and she was on his chest. I walked over to them and kissed both of their foreheads, I then grabbed the blanket above them and covered them.
End of Flashback.

I grabbed the blanket next to the door and laid in on the two of them. Ariana moved a little, Vince smiled. I kissed them both on the forehead, I walked back out to the living room where Dom and Hobbs were.
"They asleep?" I turned and looked at Hobbs, I nodded my head and he smiled.
"She cried for almost an hour. They're both probably really hungry." I heard the worriness in Dom's voice. I sat down next to him and laid my hand on his leg.
"She's a mom now, she'll be fine." I said, Brian walked in.
"I just ran into Takashi. He was really scared of me.
"He better be. I mean you are a Toretto." Dom said next to me, putting his hand on top of mine.
"Toretto's aren't all that scary." I heard Hobbs say, I smiled. Family. That's all Dom and I needed to fix our marriage.

Ariana's POV
I woke up to Vince on my side, a blanket wrapped around us. I smiled, and Vince woke up. I kissed his forehead, he giggled and wiggled out of my arms and off the bed. He walked over to the door and tried to open it himself, I got up and opened it for him. I saw my brother laying on the couch asleep.
"BriBri!" My son said, Brian rolled over and grabbed his nephew and cuddled with him. I smiled.
"PawPaw? Gammy?" I walked up to the guest room, Hobbs insisted he get a hotel so we could have family time. I opened the door, Brian let Vince down and he climbed up on mom and dads bed. Mom woke up first and smiled. She grabbed Vince and laid him on top of dad, dad groaned and looked up and saw his grandson.
   "Oh! Hey Vince!" Dad said. Vince stood up and bounced in between my parents. Brian put his arm around my shoulder.
   "Think we should join?" I heard my brother ask from beside me. I grabbed his hand and ran over to my parents bed, mom moved Vince and Brian and I jumped on the bed. Dad laughed and mom smiled.
   "Kids. I think that's enough." Dad said right as Brian fell and landed on him, I fell off the bed and laid on my back laughing. Vince got off the bed and ran up to me. His eyes full of concern, I grabbed him and he laid on my chest. All I needed to forget Cameron and have some family time.

End of book 2.

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