Chapter 15

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Cameron's POV
(Dream state coma.)
Ariana sat across from me, she looked older. I looked around us noticed we weren't in Tokyo or Rio or even Los Angeles. We were in London, the whole team was there. Including Mr. Nobody and Little Nobody, I tried to grabbed her hand. But every time I did she would jerk her hand away from me, I tried talking to her but she just ignored me.
I blinked and we were in New York. I noticed Ariana wasn't there this time, I felt something on my left hand. I looked down at it and saw a ring. Dom walked past me and touched my shoulder, I jumped and looked up at him.
"She has betrayed us, her husband, her daughter, and most importantly. Her family." I felt my heart tug when he said daughter. How far in the future was I, how can I be a dad when me and her aren't even married or with each other. I looked at Tej and Ramsey, I noticed Sean and Twinkie were here too. I never saw Sean without Neela, it looked weird. I put my hands on the table in front of me.
I felt the table lift off the ground same with my chair, Dom went flying into the glass wall behind us. I fell out of my chair and felt my leg underneath the table, Mia and Taylor screamed. I looked up and saw her, Ariana was standing next to the computers where Deckard and Owen had just been standing.
"Ariana..." were the last words I said before I felt the pain in my right shoulder.
(End of Coma.)

I woke up in a bed, I saw my mom in the corner. I moaned and she looked at me, her face was streaked with tears.
"Don't you ever drink and drive again Cameron." I smiled, she stood up and walked towards the door when she opened it Mia and Brian were standing there. I grinned even more, I felt someone grab my hand when I saw who it was I almost died. Letty was sitting next to me, Dom behind her.
"Your mother is not kidding, no more drinking and driving." Letty was more like a third mom to me, Mia and my mother were my other two. Jack and Brian Toretto walked in, Jack walked over to me and squeezed my left shoulder. I started to cry, Letty squeezed my hand. I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

I woke up and saw Letty was still by my side, I looked around the room for the first time. My mom had left, which doesn't surprise me. She was always leaving when I needed her the most, Dom was in her spot asleep. Brian and Mia were lying on the floor next to Dom's feet, Jack and Brian Toretto were sitting against the wall asleep.
I was always the one who was stupid enough to get hurt. Like falling in love with Ariana, I put her in prison and then she escaped and got with Takashi. Then we got back together and ended up leaving each other again, I was just a mess. The dream I had yesterday proved something, that maybe one day Ariana will turn her back on family.
I laid there for a few hours, Dom was the first one awake. He left to go get breakfast. I decided to get a little more sleep, I laid my head so that I was facing Letty.

(Dream State Coma)
The pain in my right shoulder, my left hand flew up towards it. I pulled my hand back and noticed it was covered in blood. A blonde woman walked in, she had long blonde hair. It was sorta in dreads, and she had it pulled back in a pony tail. I saw her look at Ariana, Ariana looked her dead in the eyes.
"Remember I have something that means something to you." The blonde woman said to Ariana. I noticed Ariana tense at the word "something". What could that woman possibly have that belongs to Ariana, I groaned and Deckard rolled over from his stomach to his back. Dom said something I didn't hear, the blonde woman looked at him.
"Always good seeing you Dominic."
(End of Coma.)

I jerked awake and scared Letty, she was still holding my hand. I was breathing hard too, she was trying to calm me. It was too late. I had just dreamed that my wi- I mean girlfriend turned her back on family. I looked at Brian and Mia, Dom and Letty, Jack and Taylor. They all meant something to me, even Ariana's brother, Tej and Ramsey, Roman and whoever he ends up with. Sean, Twinkie and Neela. They all mean something to me, I knew we had no way of keeping Ariana on the team.

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